Vox’s first dart at the independence leader Jaume Alzamora at the beginning of the plenary session that the Consell de Mallorca is holding this Thursday. Month for Mallorca has questioned the vice president of the institution, Pedro Bestard (Vox), for its presence last August at a stage of the Vuelta Cyclist to Spain in A Coruña, who paid for his stay and the reason for this visit when, according to what the independentists have reproached him for, his department has no powers

The Minister of the Environment, Rural Environment and Sports has also responded that they should be well informed to verify that they do have powers. In fact, Bestard traveled to Padrón and was received by Fernando Escartíntechnical director of the Vuelta, to bring a stage to Mallorca in the next editions.

«I am sure that Més’ spokesperson, Jaume Alzamorais very happy that we are bringing the Vuelta Ciclista a España to Mallorca, because he runs test 312an international cycling race held on the island, where More than 6,000 foreigners participate and there is no problem».

And this is where Bestard has taken the opportunity to throw a jab at him that has provoked laughter and applause from the Vox bench: «If you don’t like us bringing the Vuelta Ciclista to Mallorca, We will have a swimming competition in your pool.”.

The vice president of the Consell de Mallorca assured during the plenary session that the Vuelta Ciclista a España is a very important event for Mallorca and explained that in the last edition of Fitur, the Madrid International Tourism Fair, he maintained first contact with the management of the Return. “They showed themselves very happy that after so many years the Consell de Mallorca once again showed interest in bringing this cycling event to the island,” he said.

Subsequently, he detailed that last August he attended a stage of the Vuelta “to see first-hand the magnitude of the test, how it was organized and How can we bring it to Mallorca now?. And when Més insisted that he answer his questions, he stated: “Don’t worry, we will do everything possible to make it a reality.”

Pedro Bestard has stated that «Mallorca cannot afford to miss an opportunity like this»since the Vuelta Ciclista a España is “a world benchmark.” «The best cyclists in the world will race on the roads of Mallorca. “It is an event that has an important economic impact for our island,” he added.

It is worth remembering that OKDIARIO has revealed that Jaume Alzamora, who defends limiting the sale of houses to foreigners but He sold his in Artà to a German citizen for 650,000 euros, is built now a chalet with a pool in it town that has banned them due to the lack of water that has caused the drought.

On June 18, the Artà City Council approved in an extraordinary plenary session to suspend all types of authorizations and planning licenses to build, expand and renovate swimming pools, facilities or any water tank for recreational or decorative purposes.

However, Jaume Alzamora has been able to build his pool by having a license granted prior to the ban, which dates back to June 18. In fact, the independence leader obtained the license for his chalet with a swimming pool in June 2023. In any case, it is striking that the leader of a group that has fought against swimming pools has no qualms about building one.

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