Karim EBhe Moroccan pilot of the drug gang accused of killing two Civil Guard agents after ram them in the port of Barbate (Cadiz) on February 9 and arrested in the early hours of this Thursday, he stated in court that it was an accident and has asked sorry. A “sorry” that no one accepts, and that has had a forceful response from Voxwho has wished that “rot in prison.”

«Well Karim, since you are not going to receive the lead you deserve, rot in jail. With these narcoterrorists, there is no compassion,” Vox Andalucía has pointed out through social networks. «Karim recognizes that he piloted the drug boat with which he murdered two civil guards in Barbate. “Karim deserves to die in prison,” commented Manolo Gavira, spokesperson for Vox in the Andalusian Parliament.

Neither forgetting nor forgiveness

Paqui Gómez, the mother of Miguel Ángel Gonzálezone of the two agents killed by a drug boat on February 9 in the port of Barbate (Cadiz)has been “happy” although with “mixed feelings” after the declaration of Karim EBthe main suspect in this case that is being investigated in the courts of Barbateensuring that what happened that night “was not an accident” and that “neither forgive nor forget.”

This is what he told the media this Friday at the doors of the courts where this morning the detainee was taken to testify before the judge, to whom he told that it was an accident and asked for forgiveness. «I neither forgive nor forget, and even if he enters prison I will never forget it. They have taken my son away from me. It is the greatest thing I had and he has given his life for Spain», he stated Paqui Gomezremembering that Miguel Angel Gonzalez He was “a fighter” and that she “will continue fighting for him.” “I’m not going to keep quiet, and until justice is done, I’m not going to stop,” she said.

Regarding what happened inside the courtroom, the mother of the deceased civil guard has assessed that it was not considered an accident but “murder”which will mean that the prisoner enter prison and “justice will be done.”

«I am happy, with mixed feelings, with a lot of sadness, but also with the joy that justice is going to be done for my sonwhich is what I ask for, justice and let them pay what this person or whoever they were did. “That all those who intervened go to prison and never leave there because of me,” she said bluntly.

Asked about the declaration of Karimin which he has defended that it was “an accident”the civil guard’s mother has recalled the videos that were recorded that night in which “you can see how the boat attacks the zodiac” of the Civil Guard. «That is not an accident. Anyone who sees it, the evidence is there,” she asserted.

He has also commented that the accused has declared that “he accidentally” and “it was not his intention” to run over the police boat, something that the mother has rejected, resorting again to the images recorded that night where “it is seen that it is his intention to go after them», warning that «not only for my son, but for the six that were on the boat», while remembering that his son “He ran over him three times.”

Paqui Gomez He has questioned whether this is considered a “reckless murder” because “there is a lot of evidence”, which makes him believe that “he is not going to get away with an accident, neither by apologizing, nor by saying that he has a lot of grief because he wants to apologize to the family. “You don’t have to ask me for forgiveness or apologies,” he said again.

It is worth remembering that last May, a report from the Civil Guard ruled out that the drug boat that patrolled Kiko the Goatthen in prison for these events, was the one who attacked on several occasions until killing two agents of the Armed Institute in the port of Barbate.

For this purpose, statements were collected from witnesses and also videosamong them that of one of the detainees who was admitted to prison who recorded the attacks from another narcolancha. Those arrested maintained from the first moment that They were not the perpetrators of the double murder and they targeted another citizen of Moroccan nationality, Karim.

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