research team returns for another week with a new premiere report after last week dedicating the night to the person known as the biggest scammer in Spain, an unofficial title given to Ana María Vicente, who has made an enormous amount of money at the expense of suffering people. travelers who have never been able to enjoy their plans. Continuing with the travel theme, Gloria Serra and all her reporters focus tonight on one of the travel agencies that moves more than 200 million travelers each yearbut all those business figures hide behaviors that They have cost him a historic fine of more than 400 million euros.

The program will focus on the problems that many users have encountered on their trips, discovering that the Accommodations are not at all as offered or do not even exist, leaving those affected on the street and without options. Reporters will try to discover if the travel platform verifies the hotels and apartments that are advertised or what type of criteria they use so that some appear more prominent than others in searches. This internet giant has completely changed the way we travel, robbing traditional travel agencies of millions of customers, causing many to close in recent years, especially after the arrival of the pandemic.

The latest big news that Booking has starred in is the enormous fine that the National Markets and Competition Commission has imposed on it for abusing its dominant position and violating articles 2 of Law 15/2007. According to the commission, the company has committed «two abuses of its dominant position from at least January 1, 2019 to the present by imposing several unfair commercial conditions on hotels located in Spain that use their booking intermediation services and restrict competition from other online travel agencies that offer the same services.

Gloria Serra, presenter of the Research Team (Atresmedia).
Gloria Serra, presenter of the Research Team (Atresmedia). Gloria Serra, presenter of ‘Investigation Team’ (Atresmedia).

According to their data,’s share in Spain “has fluctuated between 70 and 90% during the period investigated”, exercising enormous dominance in the travel market in our country. In addition, the company imposes “unfair conditions” on hotels by imposing “a pricing clause that prevents them from offering their rooms on their own websites below the price offered on, while reserves the right to unilaterally reduce the price that hotels offer through their website or application».

research team He talks about this topic in his report tonight, which can be seen starting at 10:30 p.m. in laSexta.

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