one of the towns most beautiful in Spain is waiting for usPortugal claims its sovereignty and is a must-visit destination. The reality is that we are facing a type of element that may end up being the one that accompanies us in these days that we have ahead of us and that we really must start preparing for. So, the time has come to start thinking about everything that lies ahead of us and about that special getaway that may be waiting for us.

The sovereignty of this people is being claimed by a series of details that are key and that perhaps until now we would have never imagined. It is time to put into practice that getaway that we can start planning, especially if we are faced with a type of element that may be fundamental and that perhaps until now we had not expected. It is time to get a type of element that may be the one that makes us think about that dream trip that we have ahead of us and that perhaps until now we had not thought was so important. Staying close to home will save us a lot of money thanks to this type of short and intense trips.

One of the most beautiful towns in Spain

Spain has a series of towns that are waiting for us and that they can be the ones that make an important difference in every way. We will have had to put into practice a series of elements that will accompany us in these days of travel.

The moment begins in which we have to follow a series of guidelines that are key and that perhaps until now we would have never taken into account. Budget restrictions make us think a little more to find some key elements that perhaps we had not taken into account until now.

A rural getaway can end up being what makes us react, start thinking about what lies ahead and what is waiting for us. A shorter trip means investing less money in this trip that could end up generating more than one joy.

It is time to start thinking about what is waiting for us, a change of pace along with this journey that we must take and that in this town we will find a destination that perhaps we did not know about. Take note of the town you are going to want to visit.

A destination that Portugal claims its sovereignty

Olivenza is a town in Extremadura that has been at the mercy of the two kingdoms, Spain and Portugal. In its streets is reflected that change of direction for which perhaps until now we had never taken into account something that is more than awaiting us.

A history, that of a territory that is that of almost all border territories. Borders are never or almost never to everyone’s liking, but they are a necessary element to be able to put into practice some ingredients that will be fundamental.

As they tell us from the website of this municipality: » The origin of Olivenza is Castilian, and marks its beginning in the definitive reconquest of Badajoz by King Alfonso IX in 1230. He rewarded the Templars for the services provided with the enclaves of Burguillos and Alconchel, and these extended their area of ​​influence to what was at that time Olivenza, little more than a group of huts, orchards and houses built around a generous spring, the current Fuente de La Corna. The Templars left their architectural legacy with the construction of a Castle and a Temple to Santa María, and organizing the exploitation of the area, and shortly after it passed into the hands of the Council and Bishopric of Badajoz.

Part of the territory was in the hands of the Kingdom of Portugal: «The bad political moment of the Castilian kingdom and the Muslim offensives allowed the Portuguese King D. Dinis to recover and exchange several towns and squares in a very beneficial way, among them, our city. The Portuguese Olivenza increased its defenses over time, both in times of peace and war, in an effort to keep such a strategic place safe, and they left us as a legacy the keep, the highest on the border, a multitude of towers, fragments of walls, a floodable moat, or the Ajuda Bridge.

Until a few centuries ago it did not belong to Spain: «If the history of Olivenza Portuguese is largely confused with the chronicle of its successive fortifications, the history of Spanish Olivenza (from 1801 to today) is in turn inseparable from the chronicle of a claim. And the borders of continental Portugal experienced only one change since the Treaty of Alcañices at the end of the 13th century: the loss of Olivenza in 1801.

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