Perhaps the trend for the late consequences It is getting out of hand for the audiovisual industry. Since Top Gun: Maverick raised the box office to unsuspected limits, there have been many productions that have opted for invoke the nostalgia of viewers and bring back their most beloved characters. The last of them has been Bitelchús Bitelchús and judging by its impact on the billboard (it has raised 267 million dollars), it is a phenomenon that works almost better than the traditional one remake. Now the turn to capture this fever comes from someone who probably doesn’t have as much support from Hollywood, but who, without a doubt, is not going to have any problem in fight against all odds to film his new film as a director. Yes, Mel Gibson wants to start filming The Passion of Christ: Resurrection next 2025.

Passion Christ Resurrection
Passion Christ Resurrection ‘The Passion of the Christ’ (Newmarket).

After years of development, Gibson is finally preparing the production of his biblical return . Another late sequel that has taken more than two decades to see the light of day. Something quite ironic considering that its protagonist actually only took three days to leave the tomb. We cannot blame him for anything. two-time Oscar winnerespecially considering how the entertainment circuit turned its back on him after narrating the passion of Jesus of Nazareth in 2004. Since then and after ApocalyptoGibson had a hard time finding new stories for the big screen, taking 10 years to materialize. To a man. Eight years after that fantastic war film, the director returns to the religious field and does so, again accompanied by Jim Caviezel and Maia Morgenstern.

Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson Mel Gibson (Getty).

‘The Passion of Christ: Resurrection’

passion of christ
passion of christ Jim Caviezel and Mel Gibson on the set of ‘The Passion of the Christ’ (Newmarket).

2025 will be much busier for the actor and director than we have been accustomed to in recent years. So much so that in addition to rolling The Passion of Christ: ResurrectionGibson will release lethal weapon 5 and Threat in the airan action thriller starring Mark Wahlberg. It has happened to Caviezel a bit like the Australian and to a certain extent, after playing Christ, he was quite removed from the front line of the interpretation (something that Gibson himself already warned him).

boycott Mel Gibson directing Caviezel in ‘The Passion of the Christ’ (Newmarket).

But regardless of returning to that risk, Caviezel has nothing to lose and even less when he comes to star Sound of Freedomone of the most controversial films of 2023. And even though its premiere was enormously controversial, The passion of Christ achievement 622 million dollars in collection from a budget of 30 million.

We know the news thanks to the Italian agency Italpresswhich reported that Gibson is currently in Malta with a production team, scouting possible filming locations for The passion of Christ: Resurrection. According to the media, the visit is part of a five-day trip that will include meetings with the island’s government officials, starting filming. at the beginning of 2025after the promotional tour of the aforementioned Threat in the air.

A script full of changes

Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson Mel Gibson (Getty).

The script has been full of changes over the years. Allegedly, Gibson and the co-writer Randall Wallace (Oscar nominee for Best Screenplay for Braveheart) wrote until six drafts and last April it was confirmed that it was completely closed. The details of what the direction will be like remain a secret, but it is said that given the subject matter, it will deal with a much more spiritual and metaphysical approach compared to the original:

Of course, the story will tell just as the name says, the resurrection of Jesus. In an interview in 2022, Mel Gibson wanted express an idea of ​​nature complex and ambitious that the second part will have:

‘The Passion of the Christ’ (Newmarket).

«It is not a linear narrative…you have to juxtapose the central event that I am trying to tell with everything that surrounds it in the future, in the past and in other areas, and that is like taking a little science fiction. It’s a great story. “It’s a difficult concept and it’s taken me a long time to focus and find a way to tell that story in a way that really works.”

Although the most controversial statements came when he described The Passion of Christ: Resurrection like a “acid trip”which further fueled this supposed supernatural approach.

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