He president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Morenohas announced that he will meet this coming Friday with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchezat the Moncloa Palace, within the round of meetings that the head of the central Executive plans to hold with the regional leaders, although the Andalusian president wanted to make it clear that at this meeting is not going to negotiate “bilaterally on financing”.

«I am clear: I will defend Andalusia above all. I say yes to dialogue, but I will not negotiate bilaterally on financing. Andalusia is no more or less than anyone», stated the president of the Board in a message published on his social networks.

Furthermore, Moreno reminded Sánchez that “he must call the Conference of Presidents». The last occasion on which the head of the central Executive brought together the regional leaders was two and a half years ago, in March 2022on the occasion of the crisis due to the eruption of the La Palma volcano. Subsequently, it has been unsuccessfully requested on numerous occasions, and the Supreme Court has accepted for processing the complaint of several autonomous governments for non-compliance with article 4 of the Regulations of the Conference of Presidents.

10 days ago, after the summit in Madrid of the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with the regional presidents of the party, Moreno stated that he was “willing” to “dialogue” with Sánchez, but put red lines to the meeting: neither will it negotiate bilaterally with the Executive on regional financing nor will it allow “auctions” or “laundering of transfers to the Catalan independence movement.”

Moreno’s statements came 24 hours after the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusoasked the popular barons to reject the bilateral meetings proposed by Sánchez. «He is going to try to bribe us one by one»he warned.

“Outstanding debts” with Andalusia

For its part, the Minister of Economy, Finance and European Funds and spokesperson for the Board, Carolina Españaadded in statements sent to the media that Moreno will attend the meeting with Sánchez with the aim of “claiming all the outstanding debts of the Government of Spain with Andalusia.

Likewise, the leader of the Board will inform Sánchez that Andalusia “opposes privileges” and that “all autonomous communities need more funds to provide public services with quality and equality among citizens.”

The spokesperson councilor explained that the Board considers that “it is urgent and necessary to change the financing systembut with all the autonomies present” and “without reaching agreements with anyone with their backs to the rest”, just as “privileged financing has been done for Catalonia».

«We know that For Sánchez it will be uncomfortable “To hear all this, but the defense of Andalusia and the Andalusians is above all,” said Carolina España.

In addition to his appointment with Moreno, Pedro Sánchez will meet this Friday at the Moncloa with the Basque lehendakari, Imanol Pradalesand that same afternoon with him president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alfonso Ruedathus beginning his round of contacts with the regional presidents once the cycle of electoral processes has concluded.

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