“We are very worried.” This was said by the national secretary of the Democratic Judiciary, Stefano Musolino, Deputy Prosecutor of Reggio Calabria, speaking at Villa San Giovanni at a meeting organized by the “No Bridge” committee on the Security decree and, in particular, on the increase in penalties for those who protest against great works.

According to Musolino, “there is a problem of managing dissent that cannot be addressed through criminal instruments.

Criminalizing peaceful protests risks radicalizing social conflicts, rather than resolving them.”

“We are living in a moment – added the secretary of MD – in which very important choices are presented before us. There are relevant constitutional reforms, different ideas of the State, of government and of relations between institutions. The protection of dissent and the its management must go through tools other than criminal ones. Conflicts can be harmful if they are not based on mutual respect for positions and can instead be very fruitful if they are managed and governed to do so new rules can be invented to radicalize dissent and even criminalize it.”

“If dissent – continued Musolino – is understood only as an obstacle and is even criminalised, the political decision-maker will miss the opportunity to broaden his perspectives and understandings in order to make the best choices in the public interest”.

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