Beer is one of the most consumed drinks in the world and Spain It is among the countries in which this golden liquid is consumed the most. A study carried out from Japan places China as the country in which this product is consumed the most, but European countries are at the top of the list when it comes to consumption per person. Check out everything you need to know about the use of beer in the world.

This study has been prepared by the Kirin groupa Japanese holding company that is dedicated to the production of beer and that puts on the market the classic Kirin that you can find in any sushi restaurant in Spain. This is one of the most consumed beers in Asia and that is why this business group has developed a classification in which consumption is measured in thousands of kiloliters, the market share and also the volume consumed per capita, in which the countries of Europe and Spain are at the head.

As regards consumption in thousands of kiloliters, China It remains in first place in the classification from last year 2022. The Asian giant is first on the list with 42,035 thousand kiloliters and a market share of 21.9% ahead of the United States with 20,378 and Brazil (14,932). Spain occupies ninth place in this classification with a consumption in thousands of kiloliters of 4,441 and a market share of 2.3%. In this table, Spain is only behind the first three mentioned, Mexico, Russia, Germany, Vietnam and the United Kingdom.

The classification of the countries that consume the most beer. (Kirin Holdings)

The countries that consume the most beer per capita

The classification changes when we talk about the countries that consume the most beer per capita, that is, per person. Here Europe leads the list with Czech Republic, Austria and Poland in first place. On the old continent there has always been an ode to beer and the numbers prove it, with the Republic of Ireland and Lithuania fourth and fifth in the classification.

Sixth place on the list is occupied by Spain, with a consumption volume per person of 95.1 liters. Our country is ahead of others like Germany, Estonia, Romania and Namibiawhich occupies tenth place in the ranking of countries that consume the most beer per person.

  1. Czech Republic – 188.5 (consumption volume per capita).
  2. Austria – 101.2.
  3. Poland – 99.6.
  4. Republic of Ireland – 99.3.
  5. Lithuania – 97.6.
  6. Spain – 95.1.
  7. Germany – 93.3.
  8. Estonia – 93.1.
  9. Romania – 91.6.
  10. Namibia – 99.8.

Beer production in Spain

The data corroborate the high volume of beer consumed in Spain and according to the Socioeconomic Report of the Beer Sector in Spain in 2023, prepared by Cerveceros de España and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, placed Spain as the second country of Europe that produces the most beer only behind Germany. In addition, it also placed the beer production of Spain as the eighth in the world in this classification.

This report prepared by the ministry made it clear that in 2023, consumption fell by 3.5% compared to the previous year, reaching 54 books per person. Even so, in Spain a production of 41.3 million hectoliters was reached. Regarding the habits of Spaniards, this report makes it clear that 61% consume beer outside the home, compared to the 71% that was established in 2022. Regarding the importance of this sector, the The ministry confirmed that it contributes more than 6,500 euros to the Spanish economy, which represents 1.3% of Spain’s Gross Domestic Product and 2.6% of tax revenue.

The lunch culture has become an indispensable part of Valencia's gastronomy.
The lunch culture has become an indispensable part of Valencia's gastronomy. Three friends drink beer in a bar. Photo: Freepik.

These numbers make clear the importance that beer has in Spain as a social medium. Even the data makes it clear that our country is in the top 10 of the countries that consume the most beer in the world per person and also in consumption per thousands of kiloliters. All thanks to the excellent climate that inhabits our country and the millions of tourists who visit the Iberian Peninsula during the year, with Spain being the second country in the world in number of tourists only behind France.

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