He most unexpected radical turn will come this month of OctoberTherefore, we must be prepared for Jorge Rey’s forecast. These are times of change and relative stability that may end up being what affects us completely. It is time to visualize certain elements that will affect us these days. What we thought would be a new reality has ended up being a situation that may turn out to be what affects us completely.

The unexpected will end up being a reality that may end up generating some changes that will be key and decisive. Without a doubt, these are days of unstable situations that may end up being what affects us in these coming days. It is time to be aware of some situations that will affect us in these days ahead of us. Jorge Rey’s cabañuelas are the ones that we must begin to visualize with the arrival of certain situations of instability. A change is coming that this young man has already seen coming a few weeks ago and until now no one believed could be a reality.

Notice about the month of October

He October will be one of the coldest in historyaccording to Jorge Rey’s cabañuelas method, an important change in weather awaits us that may be the one that fully affects us these days. Therefore, the time has come to put certain elements on the table that are fundamental.

Traditional methods have become a new reality in the weather sector. It seems that everything that happens around us will end up becoming a bigger problem. So, in the end, we can fully find some elements that are key.

It is time to be aware of some facts that will mark a before and after on this path that lies ahead of us and that may end up being decisive. We have to expect the unexpected thanks to a traditional system of time analysis that distances us from what would be usual.

October seems to generate the first snowfalls that could end up giving some important results and that could end up generating a before and after. Therefore, the time has come to start thinking about everything that is yet to come and what these days entail.

Jorge Rey is ahead of everyone

Without a doubt, one of the meteorologists par excellence of our country, without having the title, is Jorge Rey. Therefore, the time has come to start thinking about some elements that will make the difference. It is time to visualize an important cycle change that can be key.

For now, we have important news ahead of us, before the arrival of that October long weekend week. The time will have come to start thinking about everything that is yet to come. A situation that has become a problem that can be decisive.

Before those first snows of October, we have some changes ahead of us that may end up being the ones that mark a before and after. That time will have come to start thinking about everything that is to come and a series of changes that perhaps until now we had not seen so clearly.

According to the AEMET: «The beginning of a period of instability is expected in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands marked by the interaction of an Atlantic low pressure center and a mass of cold air penetrating from the northeast. Thus, cloudy or overcast skies will predominate in the eastern half and the Balearic Islands with showers, occasionally accompanied by storms, from the early hours in Catalonia and the coasts of the Valencian Community, which throughout the day will tend to extend to other inland areas of the center. this peninsular and southeast, at the same time that they will decrease in Catalonia and the coasts. There is a possibility that they will reach strong areas in the Valencian Community, southern Aragon and Catalonia, eastern Pyrenees and eastern Castile-La Mancha, especially on the coasts of Castellón and southern Tarragona in the first half of the day when they could reach very strong and accumulate abundant quantities. It is also not ruled out that some scattered showers may end up occurring in other parts of the southeastern half in the afternoon. Showers are also likely in the Balearic Islands at the beginning, without ruling out locally strong ones, and tending to subside. Low cloudiness in the Cantabrian Sea with the possibility of some drizzle and a predominance of slightly cloudy skies in the northwest quadrant. In the Canary Islands, abundant cloudiness is expected, with the possibility of scattered showers, more likely in the interior of the mountainous islands in the afternoon.

Continuing with the same forecast: «Maximum temperatures tend to increase in the Cantabrian Sea and the northwest quadrant, decreasing in most of the Mediterranean slope, southern Atlantic and archipelagos, notably in parts of the Valencian Community and Catalonia. The minimum temperatures will increase in areas of the central east and interior northeast, decreasing in Ampurdán, the middle of the Ebro and the extreme west. Winds from the east and northeast are expected in Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea and the Mediterranean area, with strong intervals on the Galician coasts, light winds from the north component in the Canary Islands, and predominance of the southern and eastern components in the rest.

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