Party has obtained one of the images of the week of the couple formed by Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanziathe most searched since they announced that Terelu Campos’ daughter was pregnant. Until now everything seemed to be going smoothly between the future parents, but the document from the Telecinco space shows that their relationship is also going through ups and downs. The space received everything during the afternoon of last Saturday, completely paralyzing the program, but due to lack of time – they received them only a few minutes before the end of the program – they had to broadcast them during the Sunday afternoon. It was a great bait to keep viewers’ attention the next day, something they have achieved thanks to the fact that they are the couple of the moment.

After leaving his audience halfway, Emma García’s program started on Sunday afternoon broadcasting what seems like an argument between themsomething that happens after days in which both have always denied rumors of an alleged relationship crisis. Everything seems to be the result of the media pressure to which they are subjected, which must be remembered that they have been sought after giving numerous exclusives in gossip magazines and programs. As you can see in the video, Carlo and Alejandra They returned home after a walk with their dogs, but they did so completely angry and distant.. It is striking to see that they do not look at each other’s faces and were only talking in what seemed like an argument.

The granddaughter of María Teresa Campos She has an obviously angry face and seems to be asking her boyfriend for an explanation for something that just which point he looks on with a face of not understanding anything at all. After the discussion, Alejandra speeds up the pace and overtakes him, leaving him behind and giving him a very clear look of anger.

Carlo Costanzia and Alejandra Rubio have an argument in the middle of the street (Mediaset).
Carlo Costanzia and Alejandra Rubio have an argument in the middle of the street (Mediaset). Carlo Costanzia and Alejandra Rubio have an argument in the middle of the street (Mediaset).

After this moment, the couple went up to their house, but minutes later the collaborator of let’s see go back down the street to run to a nearby pharmacy to make a purchase. After a few minutes in the establishment, he returned again, crossing the street in a hurry and without doing it through a zebra crossing.

After seeing the images, the paparazzi Sergio Garrido has made it clear that he thinks the couple “does not eat nougat”a statement that their co-stars found very risky, since they are only a few months away from becoming parents. Kike Calleja, a friend of the Campos family since he had a love relationship with Terelu, wanted to tell what he knows, a very different version than the one he gave Party.

Kike Calleja denies any type of crisis between Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia (Mediaset).
Kike Calleja denies any type of crisis between Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia (Mediaset). Kike Calleja denies any type of crisis between Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia (Mediaset).

«I have been with them and they are great, very in love and very excited waiting for their son, they are already preparing the baby’s room», said the journalist. They, for their part, continue trying to show that they are having a great time before becoming parents with each of the social media posts they make.

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