Penelope Cruz He has surprised everyone by opening up about the most personal aspects of his marriage. The Spanish actress, known for her reserved nature when it comes to her private life, has spoken on this occasion about topics that she rarely addresses in public, including details of her childhood, her relationship with Javier Bardem and the her role as a mother. Very excited, she has spoken quite clearly on Jordi Sabaté’s YouTube channel. “It’s an important day for me, thank you for letting me be at your house.” These words reflected the respect and admiration that the actress feels for the activist.

One of the most striking moments of the interview was when Penelope recalled her first meeting with Javier Bardem, the man who years later would become her husband. He revealed that, from the first moment she saw him, she had a strong feeling about the future they would share. “When I saw him for the first time, I knew we were going to be together,” he confesses about it.. This meeting occurred during the filming of ‘Jamón, Jamón’, a film that marked the beginning of a relationship that would take years to consolidate. Penelope explained that she felt an instant connection with Bardem and, although at the time she was unclear how the relationship would develop, Her intuition told her that he would be a crucial figure in her life..

The words that Penélope Cruz has dedicated to her husband

The actress explained that experience in more detail, narrating what it was like to see Javier enter the room where they were meeting with the film’s production team. «“I have known him for 33 years,” he comments during his last interview.. «When he walked into that room, I knew. He said: ‘Here is the person with whom I am going to share my life’». The strength of that sensation left her speechless at the time, but over time, that intuition became reality. The actress admitted that she does not know how to logically explain why she had that feeling, although she was sure that he would be the one who would be by her side in the future.

Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem at an event
Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem at an event Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem. (Photo. Gtres)

In addition to talking about his relationship with Javier Bardemhas also shared memories of his childhood. In this sense, she commented that she was a “difficult” child and that many times she was “in the clouds.” She remembered that she was nicknamed «Antoñita the fantastic» because he used to spend long hours imagining situations and creating stories in his mind. “They say I behaved quite badly, especially the first few years,” she mentioned with a laugh. Despite her mischievous nature, she claimed that she was always a good student, although she admitted that she did not spend much time on books.

The great passion of Penélope Cruz during her childhood

His passion for art, particularly dance, was a constant in his life since he was very young. Cruz recounted how classical dance played an important role during his adolescence. “I danced classically for 18 years,” he said.revealing that this effort was combined with theater and castings. However, not everything was easy during that stage of his life. The actress confessed that she went through a crisis of physical and mental exhaustion due to the intense routine she led. «“My body and my mind told me I had to stop,” he declares in a quite serious tone..

In the interview, Penelope also spoke very fondly of her parents, highlighting the great effort they made for her and her siblings. “They had me very young,” he declares.. According to him, this aspect has always made him feel a kind of debt towards them. Especially emotional was the moment in which the actress remembered her father, who died at the age of 62. Ella Penelope expressed how much she misses him and how he has impacted her life. Although her father is no longer present, The artist highlighted that her mother continues to be a fundamental pillar for her.

Leo and Luna, the great treasures of the actress

Penélope Cruz’s success in the world of cinema has been indisputable, but the actress made it clear in this interview that her personal life is just as important. With Javier Bardem, she has formed a family that fills her with happiness, andyour children, Leo and Lunaare now your highest priority. Although fame and glamor surround her career, she keeps her feet on the ground thanks to the support of his family.

The interview with Jordi Sabaté It showed a more intimate side of Penelope, allowing her followers to get to know her in a closer way. The actress, who has achieved international success, remains faithful to her principles and to the people who have accompanied her on her path. The love story between Penelope and Javier Bardemwhich began more than three decades ago, is one of those stories that seem straight out of a movie. Fortunately they have many more chapters to write, but what will the future hold for them?

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