Many times we doubt our intelligence and we are always aware of what others think of us. The apple visual test It can give us a clue about what aspects we are smarter than our family and friends.

This type of personality test They are very useful because of their simplicity. They can be answered in less than a minute and provide very useful information about yourself. Do it and learn more about yourself.

The apple psychological test to know your intelligence

If what you want to know is your intelligence because you think you may have high abilities, The best thing you can do is go to a specialist and take an IQ test. approved.

However, if all you are interested in is finding out How your intelligence is perceived and what ability makes you a unique person Regarding your family and friends, this visual test is a great option.

Especially because Doing it doesn’t take you more than 30 seconds.. All you have to do is choose one of the apples in the following image.

The apple test to measure your intelligence levels.
The apple test to measure your intelligence levels. Visual test with apples. Photo: Depor.

Don’t overthink your decision Don’t even think about which one seems more attractive to you at meal time. Simply choose the one that caught your attention the most at the first moment.

Read the response below. Do not cheat and do not see the explanations of each choice before choosing; You will only be fooling yourself.

red apple

You Intelligence is based on the desire to learn. You always seek new knowledge through all kinds of channels. You are a fan of reading, art, documentaries and, above all, listening to others.

This accumulated knowledge has caused you to have an enormous ability to differentiate between good and bad. Therefore, you have a high sense of justice and great talent for making decisions.

yellow apple

You are a very talented person and probably have a high IQ. you have one innate ability to analyze, develop logical thinking and make decisions based on your intuition.

This intelligence helps you make strategic decisions now think long term. You rarely succumb to pressure or allow yourself to be influenced by others.

Red and yellow apple

You are very smart thanks to see with complete clarity the relationship between cause and effect. This makes you very organized and consistent with your own ideals.

You are the type of person with the most productive and effective intelligence. Sometimes it may seem like you have the ability to anticipate all circumstances. It’s not that you have a magic ball, you just have greater attention to detail.

green apple

Your intelligence is, above all, emotional. You are the ideal person to understand the feelings of others and interpret their reactions and way of thinking.

This makes you empathize with everyone and have many social skills. The possibility of establishing relationships with anyone always helps you achieve new opportunities and challenges.

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