The Government frankenstein of Pedro Sánchez has just lost another vote in the Congress of Deputies, la of the rental law. This Tuesday, Junts joined PP, Vox and UPN to overthrow in the plenary session of Congress the admission for processing of the bill by the partners on the left of the PSOE to modify the Urban Leasing Law and limit seasonal and room rentals. With this vote, the Sánchez Government adds a new defeat in Congress, which adds to the thirty parliamentary votes that it has lost, such as recognizing Edmundo González as president-elect of Venezuela, taking into consideration the immigration law, the reduction of working time and budget spending ceiling.

Although the Catalans had announced that they were going to abstain, they finally voted against, so the vote was left with 172 votes in favor of PSOE, Sumar, ERC, Bildu, PNV, Podemos, BNG, Canary Coalition and José Luis Ábalos, former socialist deputy now integrated into the Mixed Group; and 178 votes against.

The regulations provided for a reform of the Urban Leases Law to equate temporary contracts with those for habitual housing and thus discourage their use, to avoid fraud that would allow the Housing Law to be circumvented or raise prices continuously.

To provide more guarantees, the proposal includes seasonal contracts in article two of the law, which is where the rental of habitual residence is regulated and guarantees greater protection for rentals, reports Ep.

Thus, the PSOE starts the new parliamentary session just as it closed the previous one, losing votes in Congress and there are already 35. And in the last plenary session before summer, in July, the socialists could not prevent the approval of two Senate amendments to the Parity Law, and they also suffered two other more severe defeats, as their proposal to reform the Law was defeated. of Immigration and the deficit objectives.

The PSOE – Sumar coalition government suffered his first parliamentary defeat on January 10, 2024when those of Ione Belarra overturned the decree law drafted by the Ministry of Yolanda Diaz which included a unemployment benefit reform.

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