There are two types of journalists in Pedro Sánchez’s Spain: those who lead their entire lives waking up in the morning sputtering subsidized bile against Voxeven before the first coffee that animates the wills of the sleepy How Abascal’s party does with left-wingand those who justify the name of journalism by monitoring and denouncing power, which is usually on the other side. The habit of labeling, insulting, qualifying, belittling and pigeonholing a political formation by the regime’s scribes (the Francoist and the Sanchista) has run into digital modernity, and now, any user can question the journalist and be ridiculed. , for its servile submission to a party, with the newspaper archive serving as the Archive of the Indies. Moral decency and professional ethics obliges us to be with those who publish the deviations of the supreme command, the scandals of rulers and servants and the corruption of presidents and families. The rest, backlicker of power.

In the well-known strategy of seasoning scandals with the skill of a chef mainstream, Sánchez allows himself to control the public impulse with goldsmith precision. National columnism continues to write, between mutual licks, about questions that have already been written long ago about the character and personality of the subject and the liberticidal drift of the farm he manages. It’s reading the famous columnist talk today about the shame of so much palmerism towards Pedro and one wonders how he has endured so long without noticing such obvious submission. There are not a few who, in the shadows of their desk, confess their fatigue in attending to those who perpetrate their critical homily on networks and editorials, saying the same thing that the rest of us have been defending for years, without their success placed or their asses pushed by power to such a gathering. Maybe the price of going to radio or TV to pontificate journalism is to be brave. a posteriorimaking his analyzes a consistent string of academic platitudes. But they have a name, a reputation, colleagues who praise him incessantly and many nights of Negronis enough for someone to get them off that donkey and his profitable media armchair.

Just yesterday I read two well-known tribuners express their displeasure with Pedro Sánchez for the law of hoaxes that he has issued (nothing anti) arguing that it put democracy at risk and that, in a system like ours, it is journalism that controls power and not vice versa. In addition to such a compendium of brilliance being highlighted in bold, other colleagues rushed to praise the reflection as a unique discovery of national literature. Let Camba, Azorín, Chaves Nogales and Pla tremble!, they thought. That’s on the side of the pseudo-free press, which we already know that, depending on the subsidy, if they order reverse criticism from above, they will act accordingly.

We must thank him, however, to Pedro Sánchez, that promotes a law to combat hoax and misinformation when the main champions of this reverse deontology are its leading media: there are no more denials, letters to the editor, corrections from the digital community and calls from listeners asking to rectify information, news, report or directly calling the scribe who perpetrates his hagiography a liar than those who suffer daily The Country, Laser, The Sixth either eldiario.esall of them on public salary, since we all pay what the Government gives them for their generous editorial support. Persecuting what is cultivated is a new notch in the trilero revolver of someone who has so deformed the democratic foundations of a society that not even its main amanuensis and jesters distinguish perception from reality, which is why they become obfuscated when some principled politician comes to sing the praises. truths of the boatman to those smiles of the regime that, out of moral cowardice or need for money, write, give their opinions and chat as if nothing were happening, while the dinosaur is still there. Neither Spain is going like a motorcycle, nor are we yet prepared for a revolt, not while we have this level of intellectuals committed to health and education out of their pockets.

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