He Government of Spain has denied this Sunday that he is involved in a destabilization operation in Venezuela and has “flatly rejected any suggestion” in this regard. The Venezuelan Minister of the Interior, Diosdado Cabello maintained on Saturday that the two Spaniards detained in the Caribbean country had links to the National Intelligence Center (CNI) of Spain and that they were arrested for their involvement in an alleged operation led by the United States to carry out “terrorist” acts in Venezuelaamong them assassinating Chavista President Nicolás Ripe. Foreign Ministry sources Spain have denied the accusation and have specified that “the Government has confirmed that the detainees (in Venezuela) are not part of the CNI or any other state organization.”

Spain defends a democratic and peaceful solution to the situation in Venezuela“added official Spanish sources, at a time of escalating tension in the open diplomatic crisis with the Caribbean country.

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The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. (EFE)

The Executive of the Spanish Prime Minister Peter Sanchez has thus reacted to the latest accusations launched by the Government by Nicholas Ripewhich on Saturday announced the arrest of two Spanish citizens, three Americans and one Czech, for their involvement in an alleged operation against the Chavista regime.

The Minister of the Interior of Venezuela explained that the Spanish were captured in Port Ayacucho, capital of the Amazonas state (southern, bordering Colombia and Brazil), and maintained that they had confessed their “active participation” in the alleged destabilizing operation.

The detainees have been identified as Andrew Martinez Adasme and José Maria Basoa Valdovinos.

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Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares (EFE)

After learning of the arrest, the Embassy of Spain in Venezuela asked the Government of Ripe have access to the two detainees, accused of terrorism, to verify their identities and nationality and, if they are Spanish citizens, to know what exactly they are accused of and that they can receive all the necessary assistance.

It so happens that the relatives of those arrested, both from Bilbaohad reported his disappearance to the Basque regional police last Monday.

The Basque police then found out that they had been arrested in Venezuela.

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Diosdado Cabello, Minister of the Interior and Justice of Venezuela. (EFE)

The father of Andrew Martinez Adasme, one of the detainees, has declared to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo that his son and the other arrested person, both from Bilbaowere on vacation, has denied belonging to the CNI and has explained that, since the beginning of the month, contact with them had been lost, which is why alerts were published on social networks to raise the alarm.

The arrests for the alleged operation to attack Ripe and other leaders of the Chavista regime made themselves known this Saturday amid diplomatic tensions between Venezuela and Spain after the Government Venezuelan government summoned the Spanish ambassador in Caracas and called its representative in Madrid for consultations.

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The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, talks with the Venezuelan opponent Edmundo González Urrutia (i) at the La Moncloa Palace, in Madrid. (AFP)

He Government of Ripe took that step after the Spanish Minister of Defense, Daisy Oaksdescribed his regime as a “dictatorship” and after the Spanish Congress urged the Government to recognize the opposition candidate as the winner of the elections, Edmund Gonzalez Urrutia, which is located in Spainwhere he has requested political asylum.

The Venezuelan government has maintained that after the alleged operation to attack Ripe and its leaders “there is the lady Maria Corina Machado”, main supporter of Gonzalez Urrutia.

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