Shorter, more intense, more frequent. It is the type of holiday that Italians show they prefer for this summer of 2024.

According to the results of the research carried out on behalf of Federalberghi by the Tecnè company, they are 36 million Italians plan to resign while travelling. The 90% will remain in Italy and the rest will go abroad, mainly to the sea, in places not far from Italy. A third of vacationers planned to do so more than one holiday period beyond the main one in summer: 3.6 million will repeat the holiday at least once; 3.1 million will move twice; 1.7 million Italians will take three holiday periods. A scenario that will produce a turnover of 40.6 billion euros.

It is always interesting to notice, thanks to the numbers, the changes taking place – declared the president of Federalberghi, Bernabò Bocca, commenting immediately on the survey data – In the face of a difficult year, in which calamitous weather events such as floods and droughts have brought entire regions to their knees, despite the disruption that ongoing international conflicts could create for tourist flows, in spite of all this we note that the sector shows a certain stability. Nine out of ten Italians want to stay in the Bel Paese – Bocca continued– And for us to see this is a good thing. But the new trend, already underway for some time, to divide summer holidays into several segments is also confirmed. This shortening of time paradoxically allows you to replicate the departure by spreading it over different periods, thus having the opportunity to visit new locations“.

According to the president of Federalberghi “the crux of that remains 54% of fellow citizens who were unable to plan a holiday due to lack of liquidity. The picture we have before us today – concluded Bocca – is one of good performance on international markets, while we note a certain decline on national and European markets“.

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