Starting in 2025, significant changes will be implemented in the invoice managementin line with Law 18/2022, also known as the Create and Grow Law, and the European plan VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA). This new regulatory framework will require all companies and self-employed workers to issue electronic invoices, abandoning traditional formats such as PDF, Excel or Word. The law, in force since September 2022, aims to modernize tax administrationreduce late payment and guarantee greater transparency in commercial operations.

From July 2024, large companies that invoice more than eight million euros annually must adopt the electronic billing. For SMEs and self-employed that invoice less than that amount, the obligation will begin in 2026. Invoices must be generated and sent through approved platformswith standardized formats such as XML CII, UBL, EDIFACT or Facturae. Penalties for non-compliance range from fines of 150 euros for incorrect documents to penalties of up to 10,000 euros for serious violations.

The change in invoices in 2025

Starting in 2025, the invoice issuance process will undergo significant changes due to new regulations promoted by the Ministry of Economy. Traditional invoices in PDF format will be replaced by an electronic invoicing system. This transformation will force all self-employed workers to adopt new invoicing practices.

The main change implies that invoices must be generated and transmitted in electronic formatcomplying with specific technical requirements established by regulations. Invoices can no longer be issued in PDF, but must be processed through authorized electronic invoicing platforms.

In addition, all invoices issued must be sent in copy to the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) for registration and control. This change seeks to improve efficiency and fiscal control, facilitating the supervision and analysis of tax documentation.

The companies and self-employed They will have two options to comply with these new requirements: use certified private platforms for the exchange of invoices or opt for the public electronic invoicing solution, managed directly by the Tax Agency.

The transition to this new system will take place throughout 2025 and 2026during which companies and self-employed workers are expected to adapt to the changes. This adaptation may involve investments in infrastructure, new expenses and adjustments to operational processes, which represents a significant challenge for the sector.

New self-employed quota

On the other hand, as of January 1, 2025, the contribution system for the self-employed in Spain will undergo a significant transformation with the aim of increasing equity among self-employed workers, adjusting quotas to real net returns.

This new system, which was already introduced in 2023, will be fully implemented in 2025 and organizes the contribution bases in 15 sectionsranging from less than 670 euros to more than 6,000 euros per month. The self-employed must report their expected income to Social Security, which will assign them a contribution bracket.

Throughout the year, they will be able to adjust their contribution base up to six times based on their actual income. The regularization of quotas will be carried out retroactively through the Income Tax Returnallowing the contribution section to be adjusted if discrepancies are detected.


For next year, the self-employed with net returns less than 8,040 euros will see a reduction in their fees, decreasing to 200 euros in the minimum base. Other self-employed workers will also be able to benefit from lower fees, which will range between 220 and 260 euros, depending on their income and contribution bracket.

In contrast, those that generate income greater than 1,700 euros per month will experience an increase in their dues. Although the quotas for net income between 1,125.90 and 1,300 euros will be maintained or will only decrease slightly, self-employed workers with income greater than 1,700 euros and who contribute for the minimum base will see an increase of between 30 and 90 euros per month, which is equivalent to an annual increase of between 360 and 1,080 euros.

Intergenerational Equity Mechanism (MEI)

In addition to the adjustment in the self-employed contributions, an increase in the Intergenerational Equity Mechanism (MEI)an additional contribution to Social Security without direct compensation. This MEI, which aims to guarantee the sustainability of the pension system in the face of the aging of the working population, will be applied progressively until reaching 1.2% in 2029.

In 2025, the MEI will be 0.8%which the self-employed must pay in full, while companies will contribute 0.67% and workers with 0.13%. This percentage will increase annually until 2030, remaining at 1.2% from then until 2050.

In short, in 2025, Spain will experience important changes in the contributions of self-employed workers and in the invoice management. The self-employed will contribute according to their actual income, with retroactive adjustments based on Income. In addition, they must issue electronic invoices and send them to the Tax Agency to improve transparency and fiscal control.

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