AMA, the mutual insurance company for health professionals, continues to occupy first place in Apps in the insurance sector and is positioned among the top ten positions in the XXXVI internet presence ranking prepared by Innovación Aseguradora among 72 insurance entities in Spain.

In the latest study, corresponding to the first half of 2024, the AMA App shares first place in the classification with two other companies by complying with 90% of the compared parameters, among which corporate information, contact with the entity or the communication of claims.

This ranking, increasingly demanding, has registered substantial changes at the level of positions and brand strategies, so that 36 insurers have increased their position, among them, the entity chaired by Ana Pastor, which climbs one position in the general list of presence on the internet and occupies seventh place with 73.9 points.

Among the parameters evaluated in this section are the existence of a search engine on the web, a link to their social networks, the online chat or the private area for the client.

The good result obtained in the prestigious study confirms AMA’s effort to stay updated and offer the tools available today on each platform, providing greater efficiency and productivity and, above all, improving the attention provided to mutual members.

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