The Superior Prosecutor’s Office of Andalusia has warned of the increase in crimes against sexual freedom and indemnity committed by minors in the last year. In this sense, the reason given by the Andalusian Prosecutor’s Office is none other than the “excessive consumption” that this group makes of the pages of pornography and of the social networks.

In its annual report, the top prosecutor of Andalusia, Ana Tárragoexpresses its special concern for the situation of minors, both in their role as victims and as aggressorsderived from early access to new technologies.

A matter that is analyzed in a specific chapter in which it is committed to preventive action based on the training of parents and minors about the risks that networks pose. It also advocates for improved regulation that limits the free access for minors to inappropriate and pornographic contentgoing so far as to criminalize the conduct of companies that allow it.

Already in his speech this past Monday on the occasion of the opening of the judicial year in AndalusiaTárrago recalled that these are the first generations born in the 21st century and their access to Justice criminal is increasingly at younger ages. In fact, last year there was a “very high” increase in minors under 14 years of age for different crimes, which, although not serious, mark a trend in their opinion.


The main manifestation of juvenile delinquency in Andalusia are socioeconomic crimes – such as theft and robberies -, crimes of injuries and in general minor crimesalthough the Prosecutor’s Office Yes, it has perceived “a considerable increase” in sexual crimes, with 404 files, of which, 306 correspond to the crime of sexual assault and 134 to sexual abuse.

All the Sections echo this increase as a result of excessive consumption by minors of the networks and, in particular, of pornography pages. They stand out for their importance, Seville with 110 files of sexual assault and 92 of sexual abuse; and Malaga with 69 of sexual assault and three of sexual abuse.

The number of juvenile offenders for more serious crimes such as murder and manslaughter is also increasing. Specifically, 23 reform files have been initiated for crimes of homicide or intentional murder, compared to the six reform files initiated in 2022, two in Almeriafour in Cadizone in Huelvatwo in Jaenfive in Malaga and eight in Seville.

The Prosecutor’s Office It also alludes in its annual report to a slight increase in domestic violence, which causes the most arrests during guard duty, and in the vast majority of cases the adoption of precautionary measures.

Under 14

During the year 2023 4,592 preliminary proceedings have been filed for minors under 14 years of age compared to 1,551 in 2022, a considerable increase, which indicates an increase in crime in the group of minors under 14 years of age, with 3,073 in Seville and 696 standing out for their importance. of Malaga, with the rest of the provinces remaining in similar terms to the previous year.

The Prosecutor’s Office emphasizes that, in general terms, minors under 14 years of age do not commit serious crimes, while calling for a specific program that responds to criminal activity in this age group.

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