Interesting makeup operation, in subscription season 2024-2025 of the Balearic Symphony Orchestra. Perhaps I should clarify a little more since in reality necessity has been made a virtue, so that the makeup operation went well. The subscription season has always been characterized by programming around 16 concerts and that is precisely what has happened again, although breaking them down into two chapters: the subscription season itself (11 concerts at the Palma Auditorium) and a cycle of five concerts that will take place in the Palma Main Theater. Where is the makeup?

You will see. Coinciding with the 2020 pandemic, the Trui Theater (actually it is the assembly hall of a chartered religious school) as provisional and extraordinary headquarterswith part of the concerts offered behind closed doors and broadcast on social networks. Once capacity restrictions were loosened, the season was broken down into three stages: Trui Teatre, as a sign of gratitude for allowing continuity in difficult times; the Teatre Principal de Palma, repeating a bet that had already been tried in the past without success, and finally the Auditorium, which has always been the natural venue for the subscription season. This practice of dispersing concerts (a gross mistake) has remained unchanged between March 2020 and May 2024. Now, finally, the rectification has arrived.

In fact, the 2024-2025 subscription season will take place entirely in the main hall of the Auditorium of Palma, as should always have happened, and the concerts that, due to the dates being previously committed or due to “dramatic needs” are moved to the Teatre Principal and among the concerts excluded from the season due to the absence of an available date, is the Balearic premiere of Piano Concerto-Talaiotby Menorcan Marco Mezquida (September 26), as well as the one directed by Jose Maria Moreno on January 23. Perhaps the concert with Francisco FullanaMarch 13, in the dual role of soloist and conductor.

As for the concerts “with dramaturgy”, the most anticipated is The music of his lifewith narration by José Luis Garci and Inocencio Arias. In the words of Pablo Mielgochief conductor of the orchestra, the format is unprecedented in Spain.

The series of concerts at the Principal will be closed on April 25 by the violinist Alexandra Conunova and the guest director, Sascha Goetzelanother typical seasonal concert.

By the way, a singularity in the subscription season is the fact that all the hand programs are opened with reproductions of the pictorial work of the Mallorcan post-impressionist Daniel Codorniudied on December 28, 2023 and a loyal season subscriber to the Balearic Symphony.

Highlight the firm commitment to the Balearic Symphony and without a doubt of the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Jaume Bauzawho was accompanied by the regional secretary of Culture, Pere Vidal.

Not in vain is it a objective of the legislature to make Palma the cultural capital of the Mediterranean And what better way to do this than to place our orchestra on the international scene, and hence the concert scheduled for May 14 at the Sala Verdi in Milan. An international projection to which the inauguration of the Music Boxfuture headquarters of our symphony orchestra. There was no choice but to be interested in the rhythm of the work.

Now we know that at the latest at the beginning of 2025 the tender will be held to finish the works on the Music Box. After the elections of May 28, 2023, the PP was surprised that The works were only 37% completedespite Francina Armengol The bluff was called that the inauguration would be in the fall of that year. There was more. The delay and subsequent abandonment of the construction company led to a bankruptcy that has brought the PP Government upside down.

There is no date yet for the inauguration of the Music Box, although Minister Bauzà has made it clear that this is a legislative project. Or put another way, At the latest in 2027 we will have a Music Box.

There is nothing that makes me doubt the word given by the PP Government, contrary to what happened with the eight years of the Pacte de Progrés: bullooos!

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