(CNN Spanish) – The government of Venezuela rejected this Thursday the restrictions announced by the United States government against 16 Venezuelan officials and described them as “unilateral, illegitimate and illegal coercive measures.” On Friday, new reactions arrived, this time from the CNE (controlled by Chavismo) and ALBA, a bloc of countries allied to Caracas.

The National Electoral Council of Venezuela (CNE) repudiated the sanctions announced by the United States and pointed them out as a “infamous act of interference.”

“We demand that the Government of the United States not get involved in the internal affairs of the Venezuelan Electoral Branch and we urge it to dedicate itself to addressing the internal affairs of its country,” the CNE detailed in a statement.

In the letter, the CNE highlighted that the measure “attempts to target and intimidate a group of Venezuelan public servants” among them, the rector of the organization, Rosalba Gil Pacheco, and its secretary, Antonio José Meneses Rodríguez.

Also the member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) rejected this Friday the imposition of sanctions against 16 Venezuelan officials.

“The Bolivarian Alliance demands respect for the sovereignty of the free peoples of our America and the Caribbean, while reaffirming its unrestricted support and solidarity with the people and government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,” detailed the statement released by the Alliance. .

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