Cani Fernández, the president of the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC), has asked the Congress of Deputies that the election of the four new councilors of the organization be made “in a timely manner” and “without surprises.”

In addition to these four new directors, a new vice president also has to be elected following the death of Angel Torres last August. “I hope and wish that the proposed professionals will soon be able to appear before this commission,” Fernández said during his appearance at the Congressional Economy Commission to present the basic lines of his actions and his plans and priorities for the future.

The election of new positions of the CNMC

The Government was negotiating with the PP the renewal of the board of directors of the Competition organization in a package that included the election of new positions also in the General Council of the Judiciary, the Bank of Spain and the CNMV.

For now, PSOE and PP reached an agreement to renew the Judiciary, but the Government decided to appoint the former minister José Luis Escrivá as the new governor of the Bank of Spain, something that Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s party has repeatedly opposed.

In the midst of this situation, Cani Fernández has pointed out to the deputies present in the commission that the election of the new members “should not be extended much longer in time.” “Meanwhile, we remain firm in our commitment, with more demands if possible, so that the functions are carried out with the usual technical rigor, without surprises, without delays,” he stressed.

The CNE, “an example of collaboration”

In the first minutes of his speech, Fernández also dedicated a few words to the National Energy Commission (CNE) which has already been approved by the Council of Ministers and is in the parliamentary process.

In this regard, Cani Fernández has simply mentioned that he hopes that the transition to develop this new entity “will be an example of institutional collaboration».

“We encourage this commission to consult our report and I reiterate that we are at your disposal for any questions you may have in this regard,” commented the president of the organization.

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