The Consell de Mallorca governed by the PP-Vox coalition has made a subsidy available to citizens to restore the windmills of Pla de Sant Jordian area of ​​the island in which more than 1,000 water extraction windmills are concentrated in just 55 kilometers.

The objective of the island institution is to help the owners recover the milling heritage of Mallorca, since many mills are located in a advanced state of degradation.

The vice president of the Consell de Mallorca, Antonia Rocahas detailed that a restoration project will be made available to interested parties in which individuals will only have to provide the license, permits and material for the work and the island institution will carry out the entire mechanical part of the project which includes the drafting of the technical project and labor.

It is a multiannual program (2024-2027) which is intended for the mills that are located in Pla de Sant Jordi, an area where there is a large typological diversity of these elements, both architecturally and technically. “The Pla de Sant Jordi mills are in a very advanced state of degradation that must be rehabilitated and the fact that they are in the Palma airport area means that one of the first images that outsiders perceive to arrive in Mallorca”, assured Roca.

It is worth mentioning that the Consell de Mallorca has organized a briefing next Thursday, September 26, at the s’Aranjassa neighborhood center to resolve all kinds of doubts about these financial aid. The grant can be applied for until October 15, 2024.

Three million euros from the ITS

On the other hand, within this project to restore mills in Mallorca, money from the Sustainable Tourism Tax (ITS). The proposal contemplates a total budget of three million euros distributed in a biannual program, that is, with an investment of 1.5 million euros each year.

Roca recalls that “these buildings, emblematic of the Majorcan rural landscape, represent a important historical, architectural and ethnological legacy “which is essential to preserve for future generations: that is why the call for ITS projects represents a unique opportunity to intervene in a heritage that has suffered continuous deterioration due to the lack of resources for its maintenance.”

Through this project, the Consell de Mallorca aims to encourage the conservation of these cultural assets, promoting interventions that respect their heritage value, their structural integrity and their authenticity.

The use of the ITS to finance this project allows us to guarantee that the resources derived from tourist activity are reinvested in the preservation of the cultural elements that make Mallorca a unique destination. Thus, a responsible tourism model is promoted, which not only contributes to the economic development of the island, but also respects and values ​​its heritage.

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