The Consell de Mallorca wants to restore the old houses of the love of Raixa to host the training center Margers School. A project worth 4.2 million euros, which will be financed with funds from the ecotax, the so-called Sustainable Tourism Tax (ITS).

In a press release, the insular institution has reported that the Department of Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports has presented the restoration project of the old master’s houses on the public estate of Raixa (Bunyola), worth 4.2 million euros, to be financed with the ITS.

The objective of the project is encourage deseasonalization through the creation of tourist products practicable in low seasonsince the rehabilitation of these areas will strengthen the tourist attraction of Raixa and attract visitors interested in the history and culture of the island. Furthermore, it is planned to creation of a training center for the profession of marger, and promote the conservation of artisanal work rooted in the Balearic Islands, which has already been declared intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO.

The rehabilitation actions focus on the auxiliary buildings of Raixa, where the oil mill, the oil warehouse, the garages and the master’s houses are located, to reconvert them into a space for different uses and a school. margins.

This has been pointed out by the island councilor of the Environment, Rural Environment and Sports, Pedro Bestard, who explained that the purpose of this initiative is to “turn Raixa into a benchmark in seasonal tourism.”focused on culture and heritage».

The Raixa estate is a typical Mallorcan possessionin the municipality of Bunyola, of Arab origin and located at the foot of the Serra de Tramuntana. The villa is the result of the renovations carried out at the end of the 18th century and beginning of the 19th century by the Cardinal Despuig.

In this sense, Bestard explained that this initiative “will also have a favorable impact on the recovery and rehabilitation of the historical and cultural heritage, since it will allow the preservation of an architectural complex of great value that is part of the history of Mallorca.”

This project has been presented to the Annual Plan Evaluation Commission of the Promotion of Sustainable Tourism for the period 2024-2025, as it is considered of utmost importance.

Currently, Raixa functions as an Interpretation and Visitor Center for the estate itself and the Serra de Tramuntana, and all the rooms have been renovated. The new interpretation center, inaugurated last term, delves into the elements for which the Serra de Tramuntana obtained the distinction of UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in the category of cultural landscape, which refers to the interrelation between natural elements and its inhabitants. An example of this are dry stone walls, canals, possessions, population centers, hydraulic systems, etc.

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