Behind him summer and vacations, rain and cold have become the protagonists of our daily lives. And it is that, the autumn It’s very close. In fact, in Spain this will begin Sunday, September 22, at 2:44 p.m. (peninsular time).

The beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere is defined by the moment in which the Land passes through the point in its orbit from which the center of the Sun It crosses the celestial equator in its apparent movement towards the south. This phenomenon is also known as the Autumn Equinox, because when the change to this season occurs, the day and night last exactly the same.

According to the forecast, the new season is expected to be drier and warmer than usual. It is estimated that there is a 70% probability that fall 2024 be warmer than usualcompared to a 10% chance of it being colder.

When does autumn end?

Autumn this year is going to last 89 daysfinishing the next December 21 and giving way to winter.

Additionally, during this season, two eclipses will take place, one solar and one lunar. The first will occur on October 14, it will be annular and, although it will be seen in America, in Spain it will be partially visible from the westernmost Canary Islands. The second will take place on October 28, will be partial, and can be seen in Spain between 9:35 p.m. and 10:53 p.m.

The time change

One of the most striking aspects of autumn is the time change that we Spaniards must make. Of course, we will have to wait a month for us to be able to make this time change, since it is scheduled for the early morning of next October 26before starting the 27th.

That night the clock will go from 03:00 to 02:00 and Spain will once again be immersed in winter time, which will remain until March 30, when it will change again to summer time.

These two time changes per year will be made per month until 2026since last year 2022 the dates of the time readjustments were published in the Official State Gazette in accordance with the Royal Decree 236/2002. By law, this must be done five years in advance, so time changes for two years are already stipulated. So for now the Spaniards will continue to change the clock twice a year despite the latest critical voices in this regard.

The possibility of ending the time change either for summer or winter is on the table of the different governments that are part of the European Union and that is why Brussels carried out a consultation last year 2019 in which 4 participated, 5 million Europeans and which resulted in 90% of the votes in favor of ending time changes as we know it today

In Spain this issue has also been on the table. It must be remembered that in our country this has been done since 1974 with the aim of generating energy savings in the summer months and being able to adjust the working day to daylight hours. First of all, this will continue to happen until 2026 despite rumors that point to a possible renewal of this practice starting that year.

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