He faker hired, Luis alvise Perezhas defended Israel this week in the European Parliament after having said, during his campaign to become an MEP in Strasbourg, that Spain is not Israel’s “whore” and that he does not want to be “its prostitute.” «It is outrageous to be the submissive little whore from Israel or from Ukraine, as I am seeing PP and VOX do. In other words, PP and Vox say yes to everything Israel says. We cannot be at the forefront of the interests of either the United States, Ukraine, Russia, China, or Israel,” Pérez said during an interview.

During various statements prior to the European elections, the president of The Party is Over (Salf) even stated that he was not “submissive” to any foreign country “not even Israel” and that it seemed outrageous that Vox supported this country “without any qualms or limits.”

Pérez reiterated that he did not want to be “the prostitute» of Israel and who does not believe that we owe anything to the Mediterranean country, but who does not want to be «the little whore» of Russia. She stated that if Israel has all kinds of interests that affect Spain, this nation would not be its friend. «If Israel has companies that are playing into Morocco’s hands, taking our tellurium mineral resources, etc., from the Canary Islands: Israel is not my friend. If Israel uses its software to sell it illegally to nations that are enemies of ours so that they spy and thus can extort the presidency of the Government of Spain. “I’m sorry, Israel is not my friend,” she said.

Now, months after making these statements about Israel, Pérez has unabashedly supported this country in front of the entire European Parliament, a position that gives a 180-degree turn to his international policy. The Salf leader explained that according to “renowned studies” there is a direct correlation between the importation of Muslim immigration and the rise of antisemitism in Europe. “We have seen how this house has become the center of hate crimes against Jews and against Israel today,” he denounced.

Likewise, Alvise Pérez has declared himself a defender of the existence of the State of Israel and has criticized that another MEP called all those who so called themselves “fascists.” «Meribel MEP calling all those we defend fascists the existence of Israel. Méndez MEP saying that she condemned the violence only from Chalején to Gaza. Are the dead murdered in Tel Aviv worth less? », she asked.

Finally, Pérez stated that in Europe “we are at maximum quotas of the hatred against the jew that we have to eradicate.

Stance against bulls

He faker Alvise Pérez also surprised in Europe when he declared himself against the bullfight. The MEP voted in favor of removing public subsidies from the fighting bull during an agriculture committee, arguing that he is against animal cruelty.

«My principles are different. Not a single public euro for any leisure activity based on animal cruelty. And neither Feijóo nor Abasca with Buxadé here are going to make me feel less critical of the socialist mafia just because I do not support stabbing repeatedly in the neck muscles of an animal that suffers brutally until it dies,” Pérez told through their social networks.

The MEP warned that with their vote they were not going to “mistreat animals in any way” and that he is not going to fight for the European Union’s agriculture budget to go to businessmen who want public money for “a spectacle of brutalitycruelty, abuse, torture, violence and mistreatment.

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