No leaving fingerprints on mirrors and glass is a dream that comes true with this trick that will leave you speechless. It is one of the most special ways to achieve a goal that will take up a lot of our time and that you can really see live and direct that it works. In fact, it is one of those cleaning mixtures that we can always have ready and that will get us out of more than one trouble.

Hotel cleaning experts are usually the ones who give us the best tricks, taking into account that they must know them to be able to do their job at the maximum possible speed. The time will have come to start thinking about everything that lies ahead of us and the harsh reality of having to keep everything in order. Starting with a house that must be as clean as possible in the shortest time. This way of leaving the stainless steel parts and mirrors free of fingerprints works totally. Especially if you have children and don’t want to always be removing fingerprints, this trick will change your life.

You will not leave fingerprints on the mirrors and glass

Magic exists in cleaning and although it may seem impossiblewe are facing a way of cleaning that will change everything. The most complicated part of always keeping in order are the mirrors and glass, they are very beautiful, but they never end up looking quite right, even if we want to clean them every time they get dirty.

If you have a glass table, something that may end up being a reality, you may discover that you are looking at a type of element that can change everything. It is a decorative element that could result in a series of details that are fundamental and that perhaps until now we had not taken into account.

If you want your glass and mirrors to look like new, no matter what, this trick can change your life. You will never again be afraid of those children who won’t stop touching everything. You will be able to see how everything changes as easily as applying a mixture that is almost miraculous.

Experimenting with different ways of putting certain mixtures on these materials that will help us ensure that fingerprints are never seen on them again. This trick is one of the viral ones of the moment and you should not stop putting it into practice whenever you need it.

This trick works and is easy to put into practice.

@homes.styles THE TRICK OF TRICKS!! NO FINGER MARKS ON GLASS OR MIRRORS and also works for stainless steel! #clean #cleaning #formulamagica #cleaningtips #clean #homecleaning #extremecleaning #cleaninghacks #cleanhouse #tricks #hacksandtips #hack #hacks #momtips #momhacks ♬ THE QUEEN – Lola Indigo

You need to prepare to mix some ingredients that you already have at home and that will surely change you forever. You will be able to put into practice certain ways of putting on the table some elements that are key and that may be the ones that will mark a before and after.

White vinegar is one of the powerful natural cleaners that cannot be missing in this mixture. For crystals it works very well, especially if you want to highlight that natural shine that will make everything look much better with the help of these details that can be significant.

A little dishwashing liquid cannot be missing either, it is the element that helps the glasses stay clean. One of the elements that causes fingerprints to be seen is dirt, with this type of product you can remove it completely, something that you should start putting into practice now that you can. You have to put two tablespoons of this soap that you use to wash dishes in a container.

Next, you can add half a cup of cleaning vinegar, it is the first ingredient that you must have ready to give your house a 10 finish and especially so that you can see crystals that will look like they have just been installed, thanks to this mixture that will be even miraculous.

Next, add a splash of rinse aidit will be an element that will help you make your crystals look perfect. Stainless steel also works wonderfully and can be a good ally so that you can use a viral trick that hotel cleaners use perfectly.

Finally, add half a cup of hot water. This step is more important than it seems, it must be hot for everything to mix. If you don’t put hot water, your glass will be stained or dirty since the detergent will not dissolve. Keep this element in mind and get to work.

Put this mixture in a spray bottle and get to work with it. You will end up standing out with cleaner glass and mirrors without any traces. If you have the typical glass table, you will be able to see how it stays super clean, even if the children do their homework on it. It’s not magic, it’s the viral trick of the moment.

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