The wife of Adolfo Suarez, Amparo Illanawas a woman, the height of discretion, who had enough to organize the domestic network of La Moncloa, where she moved out of express desire for the security of the State. Once, one of the last times, she accompanied her husband on a special trip, Peru. Those were the moments when the president faced the challenge of his barons and the break with Fernando Abril Martorellan even sentimental bankruptcy because the resigned vice president was called “uncle” by Suárez’s children.

The wife of Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo, Pilar Ibáñez-Martínwas an insistent and extremely educated woman who did not separate from her husband except for daily official duties; She traveled with him, she was obsequious, but she kept her manners with the journalists, and they called her Caterpillar.

The woman of Felipe González, Carmen Romeropretty as Julio Romero de Torresbegan on the arm of her husband, but soon, perhaps as her personal relationships became more distant, she showed signs of being a professional politician and thus ended up being a PSOE deputy for Cádiz; but, in any case, she never, as far as she can remember, got into Felipe’s eleven vara shirt.

The woman of José María Aznar, Ana Botella, he was referring – he is referring to – the head of Government with a domestic “… because José» (accented the «o») and throughout the almost eight years that she slept in La Moncloa she became the best housekeeper in the Palace, confession of a permanent official. Then she, at her expense and more at her risk, was mayor of Madrid.

The woman of Shoemaker, Sonsoles Espinosa, Sonsobegan her entry into La Moncloa like an elephant: she was stiff once she was denounced for trying to exercise control in external activities of the Presidency; She was attractive without stridency and she mutilated herself and her family once she insisted on having her photograph taken with Obama accompanied by her daughters in a painting that made all of Spain laugh, that of the gothic.

The woman of Mariano Rajoy, Viri Fernandeza practicing Galician, was, is, extremely cautious. On a few occasions she was seen with her husband and she really made sure that her children (Marianito the most) grew up outside of pageantry and that her father-in-law, Judge Rajoy, lived cared for in the provisional house of La Moncloa.

The wife of the current president, Begoña Gómezis Begoña Gómez. The only one of hers, that is known of her, who has used the eventual position of her husband for her own needs. Someone who participated behind the cameras in the filming of the television miniseries, still unpublished for the people, which Sanchez she set up to enlarge her enormous ego, which defines her with a very domestic adjective: “intervenor.”

From the beginning – the aforementioned La Moncloa official tells the chronicler – he wanted not only to “get involved in everything,” but for it to be known that “I get involved in everything.” The episode with the mattresses was famous, when Begoña had everyone in the house replaced because “it smells like Galician here.” But Begoña was not satisfied with these tasks and, following the beloved example of Obama’s wife, Michelleprojected his athletic figure, and they say that with a certainly androgynous air, outside the Palace; Thus he “made friends” and, taking advantage of the continuous journeys of his adlateprobably built some businesses with her stature as a “woman simply of…”.

Sánchez let her do it and today she finds herself in a very compromising situation because, without going any further, the Madrid Assembly, which has approved a Commission of Investigation into her businesses, will summon her to explain herself so that she can demonstrate – which is very impossible – as has already become clear – that for example, in the embarrassing and unintelligible (not even the rector still knows how to pronounce it) chair – I say – of the Complutensethere was no favorable treatment for being who you are, without, in addition, having accreditation to serve as director of the infumable and inane course.

Now, to counteract the knowledge that the entire country has of the movements of Begoña – daughter of Sabiniannow dead, and until a short time a neighbor of the most chic and face of Torrelodonesthe so-called Peñascales, the “neighborhood of the poor,” they sarcastically say in the town – La Moncloa has hatched a plan to sell the political and family “normality” with which the Sánchez couple operate. He has built a propaganda design that is going to invade the media and that will demonstrate – they have already warned – the enormous cordiality and trust with which the Sánchez-Gómez couple works. Proof of this is the challenging video that he has ordered for the use and anger of the staff and that he is already advancing with a “you don’t want a cup, well here it goes: cup and a half.”

The sample: the episode of the Verdi cinemas and the film The 47a trullo agitator, in the opinion of some reputable critic, that seems like a piece taken from the social realism of the universal left. After the vision of him. Sánchez, with more face than a black man from Mali singing the Only Youhas issued a message expanding its incontrovertible commitment to “dignity.” In it stands out, without breaking a sweat, her fight for Mailthe company that his friend, who was head of his Cabinet, had to abandon, leaving a stupendous inheritance: only 500 million in debt. Juan Manuel Serrano He has received a scholarship from the General Directorate of State Highways, undoubtedly with the task of bankrupting them.

Sánchez tries to give prestige to his wife by chasing journalists, while he has already decided – the little boy advances Bolaños– that one can insult and offend with impunity not only the Crownbut also to God himself. And the individual remains so wide.

The lady Begoña Sánchez She has broken all the patterns, as we have written, of a discreet presidential woman; No one like her has used her husband’s position for her personal income. Now we are supporting a paid campaign, of course with our money, to show the “normal” happiness of marriage. The bad thing is that the general public of this Nation has become annoying and does nothing more than ask for something as simple as this: Did you write letters of recommendation from La Moncloa to favor your friends? This and a hundred other things, misdeeds, which the president’s wife should never have allowed herself. Explicitly: the Lady.

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