The representative of the Popular Group in the Andalusian Parliament for the province of Seville María Díaz Cañete has died at 40 years as a result of cancer.

This was announced by the president of the Junta and the PP of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, in a message on the social network as “an example of passion for public service and the fight against a serious illness.”

“A big hug for his family from all of us who have been able to work alongside him for a better Andalusia,” stressed the leader of the Andalusian PP.

Born in Lora del Río (Seville) on February 7, 1984, Díaz Cañete had a degree in Journalism from the University of Seville and entered the Andalusian Parliament after the last elections regional elections held in June 2022, in which the PP achieved an absolute majority.

Previously she was a delegate councilor and first deputy mayor in the Lora del Río City Council (Seville). She was in charge of the areas of Urban Planning, Finance, Personnel, Education, Citizenship and Culture between June 2019 and July 2022 and was previously chief of staff of the Mayor’s Office between November 2016 and June 2019.

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