He PSOE has had to vote together with him People’s Party, Vox and the Basque and Catalan nationalists to knock down a proposal for Addwith which the communist wing of the Government intended to create a public company to manage the hydroelectric plants. One more evidence of the discrepancies within the Executive of Pedro Sánchez, who less than 24 hours ago saw a text on rents decline due to the vote against another of his parliamentary partners, in that case, Together. “More than a coalition, it is a collision government,” said the spokesman for the Popular Party in Congress. Miguel Tellado.

During the debate on the non-law proposal that includes that proposal, the PSOE spokesperson in the Congressional Ecological Transition CommissionMaría de las Nieves Ramírez, already announced that she distanced herself from Sumar’s plan because, in her opinion, “it is not necessary” to create that company because it would entail “serious delays” in the concessions “to the detriment of the benefit of consumers.” The alternative of Add to create the company from scratch is for it to be the current one hunosa the one that assumes the management of the concessions, but this idea was also discarded by the PSOE because the companies of the SEPI Group “They are not allowed to generate electricity, as a result of current European regulations.”

A breakdown of the Government that has been evidenced by the spokesperson of the PP in Congress, Miguel Tellado, through their social networks. «Today, once again, the Government coalition breaks up in the vote for the NLP of Sumar on the creation of a public company for the management of hydroelectric plants. More than a coalition, it is a collision government. This is over, Pedro… », he declared.

So much PP as Vox They directly opposed the plurinational group’s proposal. The Vox deputy, José María Figaredoprotested against the idea that Hunosa is the public company that manages the concessions because “it accumulates million-dollar losses fiscal year after fiscal year.” The energy spokesperson of the PP in Congress, Juan Diego Requenajustified his opposition because the measure would mean establishing an “energy autarky unprecedented in 70 years.”

In the debate, CKD and Together They protested against the idea that a state company manages these concessions and not a Catalan one. “We do not want a state organization that manages Catalan assets,” said Junts, while Teresa Jordá, from ERC, recommended that Sumar pay “a lot of attention to putting the State’s hands” in regional powers. On her side, the economic spokesperson of the PNV, Idoia Sagastizabalstressed that energy sovereignty does not depend on whether the company’s management “is public or private,” but rather has to do with “good and efficient management of resources.”

Division within the Government

The truth is that these discrepancies between the Government’s partners frankenstein of Pedro Sánchez have become the our daily bread. This same Tuesday, Together joined PP, Vox and UPN to overthrow in the plenary session of Congress the admission for processing of the bill by the partners on the left of the PSOE to modify the Urban Leasing Law and limit seasonal and room rentals.

With this, the Sánchez Government adds a new defeat in the Upper House, which adds to the thirty parliamentary votes that it has lost, such as recognizing Edmundo González as president-elect of Venezuela, taking into consideration the Immigration Law, the reduction of working time and budget spending ceiling.

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