There are some areas of Spain where rain will be plentifulEl Tiempo experts have no doubt where it will be. That moment will have arrived when we have to visualize an important cycle change that will end up becoming a reality. What seemed impossible is now possible, especially if we take into account what is coming into our daily lives. A changing situation that will take us away from what would be usual for this time of year or, at least, from what we were used to.

Meteorologists issue an important warning about some parts of the country that may start early this fall. There are a few hours until this season arrives, although we are already noticing its effects ahead of time. It will seem that there will be areas where rain will abound and we will begin to see a series of changes arrive that perhaps we are not prepared for. Bad weather will be a reality in the parts of Spain that have had the most sun these days, everything will change and it will do so in such a way that we will have to start preparing for the cold and instability that lies ahead.

The meteorologists’ warning

Weather experts do not hesitate to warn the population before what is about to arrive. These are days of changes and of looking towards autumn or that winter that may arrive sooner. Weather maps warn of a series of situations that perhaps until now we had not expected.

We are moving towards a series of changes that we must begin to visualize and that may end up being the ones that accompany us in these days. We will leave the sun behind and we will begin to see recurring clouds that will not cease to be present. Whether we like it or not, the good weather is coming to an end.

Instead, what we have ahead of us are a series of changes that may end up becoming a harsh reality. These are days of total transformation and seeing a little further. Like the weather or the trees that begin to lose their leaves, we also think about what is waiting for us with a wardrobe change that will take little time to make.

Being aware of a weather forecast that brings important news is one of the elements for which we must be prepared these days and especially for the weekend.

These are the areas where rain will be abundant

The rains will begin to abound in these areas of the countryit will seem that time changes and ends up becoming a harsh reality in every sense. We are not going to leave the umbrella behind all weekend or, at least, that is what this weather forecast tells us, which takes us away from the stability of days gone by.

Continuing with the forecast of the El Tiempo experts: «The change in weather is already here. A retrograde DANA is going to approach Spain from the east and thanks to its trajectory at least until Sunday, it will leave an episode of heavy rains and storms in large areas of Spain. The first rains will begin in the next few hours in the east of the country, but will spread across the peninsula. Until Sunday, more than 100 mm could accumulate in areas of the northeast of the peninsula. In addition, temperatures are going to drop and the end of summer will be cooler than usual.

An unusual phenomenon affects us completely: «When we refer to a retrograde circulation in meteorology, we refer to the fact that air masses, DANAs or storms move in an anomalous way. The normal movement of the atmosphere at our latitudes is from west to east, however, a retrograde air mass does it the other way around, from east to west.

With the rains the cold will also come: «This week we will have the anticyclone located in the north of Europe and an extensive area of ​​low pressure in the Mediterranean area with cold air at altitude, from which a DANA will be released. Both systems will favor “a corridor” that will allow an east-northeast flow and the arrival in Spain of that retrograde DANA. The surface temperature of the Mediterranean has anomalies of more than +1ºC and +2.5ºC and the temperature contrast with these colder air masses at altitude favors instability and the formation of showers and storms.

The areas most affected by this phenomenon: «The movement of this DANA presents high uncertainty. In the next few days it would move towards the northwest, crossing France and remaining north of Spain during the weekend. The DANA could be reabsorbed by the general circulation of the atmosphere, but, even so, we would still have cold air at altitude so instability would continue in many areas.

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