He president of the party Power of the People (FP) and former president of the Dominican Republic, Leonel Fernandezwill restart this Monday September 16 their conversations with Dominicans, addressing the issues that affect the country and sharing with the press his vision on the current situation.

The Voice of the People“, this space for reflection led by Fernández, was held during the last electoral campaign in various locations throughout the national territory.

In these sessions, topics such as citizen insecuritythe public debtloans, the high cost of living, among others. During the meetings, citizens shared first-hand the realities they face in their communities.

According to a statement of press of the FP, after the end of the electoral campaign, many voices have requested the intervention of Leonel Fernandez so that, given his experience, he acts as a guide and counterweight to government propaganda, which seeks to project a country in progress, although “the reality is different.” “The decline is evident,” he says.

On this occasion, “The Voice of the People“will take place again on Monday September 16at 11:00 am, from Johnny Ventura People’s Houselocated at 253 Benito Monción Street, in the sector of Gascuein the National District.

He event will be open to the pressand as in previous editions, the president of the Power of the People will respond to the concerns of the journalists present.

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