He English newspaper The Telegraph has not hesitated to analyze Spanish beers to determine which is the best in our country. An element that has become a true reality that affects us fully. The English are not the only lovers of this delight that has become a drink that has accompanied humanity for thousands of years. We are faced with an article that can debunk several myths or give us a before and after before some brands that perhaps we have not tried.

Treating yourself can consist of trying some of those beers that are on the agenda. We can have them in almost any bar or supermarket in search of a series of elements that can be the ones that make an important difference. With a series of details that have ended up being the ones that accompany us at the moment and that can really end up marking our tastes or comparing the opinions of these gastronomic critics, which perhaps until now we had not had in mind. It’s time to bet on this beer that the English love.

The English are clear about it

It seems that the English are clear that the best tourist destination in the world will always end up being our country. A place where we can discover a special place in which to get lost, combining landscape, history and tradition with a gastronomy that is the envy of the world.

A good paella requires a national white wine very cold, but that skewer of potato omelettes, which will be a religious experience, deserves a good beer. The English are shocked to discover our typical, simple and delicious dishes, but they are also the ones who delight in the drinks that accompany them.

Spanish beer has nothing to envy of an English one that has long been among the most desired in the world. Although they are famous for serving it in those typical pubs, in our case, they have become another part of our gastronomy that we must take into account.

The time has come to start thinking about how lucky we are to be able to have beers that have ended up being the best in their category. These Spanish brands have ended up being the ones that take the award for one of the best from the English palate.

The best Spanish beer they have tried is this

This English medium has not hesitated to analyze the main Spanish beer brands to choose the one that will be considered the best in the country for its palates. We must keep in mind that, when choosing this type of drink, there are some data that perhaps we should not take into account or they will end up being the ones that make the difference.

The Sun is the other media that has also given its opinion in this battle for the best beer that the same brand will end up winning. According to these beer experts: “As soon as I tried my first sip of Estrella Galicia, all the memories of sun, sea and sand from my vacation in Spain came flooding back to me. It is a very refreshing beer that has a great balance between the bready flavors of the malt and hops with the citrus notes. And it is not surprising that it is an authentic Spanish beer, brewed by Hijos de Rivera, an independent family brewery. fourth generation founded in 1906 in A Coruña, Galicia, where it still operates today. In addition, it is the only Spanish brewery that has its own hops and all this seems to be noticeable in the flavor. “It’s a very easy-drinking beer, I can definitely see myself drinking a few of these.”

This brand is the one that takes the first prize, although with some elements that we must take into account and that perhaps until now we would have never imagined.

Another one that gets a good score is: «RECENTLY I visited Seville where you couldn’t move around the bars that advertised and served Cruzcampo as their main beer, thanks to having been founded there in 1904. Even though the beers sold here are brewed in the UK, as soon as I took my first sip I felt like I was back in Seville, drinking on a stunning rooftop bar and looking out over the cobbled streets. It’s much fruitier than most British beers, which makes it delicious, but you can still feel the hops and malt very clearly. It’s a nice, refreshing beer, just what you want on a warm summer day. The only thing missing are the covers. Obtaining more points than the classic Estella Damm, which seems to be not liked as much.

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