The Earth will have two moons during these days in which we will have two moonsjust like our neighbor Mars. The planet seems like it will have to take extraordinary measures, in these next few days in which we will suffer the effects of this double moon that we will have ahead of us and that may end up being the one that accompanies us in these next few days. What Murakami wrote in his 1q84 books may be a reality. We cannot see this second moon with the naked eye, but it will end up being an element that we will have to see come into our lives.

These are times of change for which we must begin to generate some unexpected situations. The sky gives us shows that can be completely wonderful. We just have to prepare ourselves for what is waiting for us and the way in which we are going to face these changes that perhaps until now we had not expected. Science fiction becomes science and it does so in such a way that we will be able to give some changes to our daily lives. It’s time to see the new moon or at least try.

NASA confirms the most anticipated event

NASA experts It seems that they are waiting for the exact day in which we are going to have two moons. An event that could turn out to be wonderful and could end up being the one that accompanies us in these next days that perhaps until now we would have never imagined would be so close.

In Haruki Murakami’s books, these two moons appear and are part of a magical story that now seems to become a reality. Therefore, we will be attentive to a science that seems to know very well what is waiting for us and how we can face it.

It is time to visualize this type of unusual phenomenon that will have a clear protagonist and that may end up being the one that will accompany us these days. We will be able to make a series of details come true that to date we will not really be able to begin to see how they appear.

An object will be orbiting like a moon on these very specific dates that will make our daily lives end up being an element that we must take into account and that may end up being more impressive than we imagined.

The Earth will have two moons during these days

Just like NASA experts warn there will be an important change for which perhaps we would never have been prepared. That day will have arrived when we will have two moons in the sky. An atypical situation for which perhaps we are not fully prepared, science fiction, will end up being science.

As they explain to us from «This month, Earth will catch a second moon in the form of the tiny asteroid 2024 PT5. Unlike the Moon, Earth’s main companion that has accompanied our planet for around 4 billion years, this “new mini-moon” will stay here for only two months before returning to its home in an asteroid belt. which follows our planet and orbits the Sun. A team of scientists who are experts in the study of so-called “minimoon events” identified the next gravitational capture event. “They detected the peculiar dynamical properties of 2024 PT5 while routinely monitoring the newly discovered objects for potentially interesting behavior.”

Continuing with the same explanation and with an eye toward this future that awaits us: «Unfortunately, during its occupation around the Earth, 2024 PT5 will not be visible to the vast majority of sky observers. “The object is too small and faint for typical amateur telescopes and binoculars. However, the object is within the brightness range of typical telescopes used by professional astronomers,” Marcos said. “A telescope with a diameter of at least 30 inches plus a CCD or CMOS detector is needed to observe this object, a 30-inch telescope and a human eye behind it will not be enough.”

We will not be able to see it with the naked eye and it will be a specific episode: «Minimoon episodes come in two forms. The first are long episodes during which the asteroid completes one or more revolutions around our planet, and these gravitational encounters last one or more years. The second type of episodes are short encounters in which the small body does not complete a full revolution. These temporary captures may last only days, weeks, or even a few months. Marcos explained that to become a minimoon, an incoming body has to approach Earth at a close distance of about 2.8 million miles (4.5 million kilometers) and slowly at about 2,200 mph (3,540 km/h). ). “Under these conditions, the geocentric energy can become negative and the object becomes temporarily bound to the Earth,” he continued. «So far, science has only identified two objects subjected to long captures, 2006 RH120 and 2020 CD3. There are three published examples of short captures: 1991 VG, 2022 NX1 and 2024 PT5. But there are several more unpublished.

Short-lived minimoon episodes like the one approaching, in which the small body (in this case an asteroid) acquires negative geocentric energy for weeks or a few months, are relatively frequent, occurring several per decade. Prolonged trapping events, on the other hand, are rare, with Earth experiencing one every ten to twenty years or so. The cause of the ejection of these objects from the Earth is the gravitational perturbations caused by the Sun. Once 2024 PT5 has fulfilled its function as a minimoon, it will return to an orbit centered on the Sun, remaining as part of the Arjuna asteroid belt ».

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