Have you ever encountered yellow stains on your clothes that seem impossible to remove? Professionals have a trick infallible to restore the original color to your favorite clothes and make them look impeccable.

The trick to removing yellow stains effortlessly

One of the simplest and most economical methods to remove yellow stains from clothes is to use baking soda. It is one of the most popular and effective whiteners. With these few steps You can leave your clothing like new:

  1. Moisten the area of ​​the garment where the yellow stains are located.
  2. Prepare the baking soda solution. You can add a little water or lemon.
  3. Apply this mixture on the stains and let it act for a few minutes.
  4. Then, gently scrub the stains with an old toothbrush or your hand.
  5. Afterwards, wash the garment as usual and you will see how the yellow stains disappear.

So easy and fast This is a trick to remove yellow stains from your clothes. This is one of the ways most used by professionals, although there are several that are also very effective.

Other methods to remove yellow stains from clothes

There are several formulas to remove stains from your clothes. Wear baking soda It is one of the best known. You can also use bleach, A cleaning product that never fails. To do this, you should put on gloves to protect your skin and mix about 100 milliliters of bleach with cold water. Then, just put the clothes in the container of your choice and let them soak for half an hour.

Finally, remove the clothes and wash them in the washing machine. If the stains do not disappear, you should scrub them with a brush. If you prefer, directly add this product into the washing machine drawer to avoid washing clothes by hand.

For more delicate garments such as silk or wool it is advisable to use white vinegar following the same procedure as that carried out with bleach.

Another great ally can be lemon juicesince its acidic properties work as a whitening agent. You just have to apply a few drops of its juice on the yellow stains and let it act for approximately 20 minutes. Then, wash the clothes as usual.

Lastly, you can use the hydrogen peroxide. This option can damage some delicate fabrics so you have to pay attention to the type of garment you use it on.

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