Even though we are almost about to say goodbye to the summersince autumn officially begins this coming September 22, some of the foods or dishes that most characterize the warm season continue to be sold in the supermarkets given their popularity and ultimately, we like to enjoy them for as many months as possible. It is the case of gazpacho which in fact sells a lot in summer, and although we can find it from different brands, Mercadona is one of the most desired and which a dietitian has now spoken about. And what exactly did this expert say about Mercadona’s gazpacho?

No one can resist a good plate of gazpacho and in the case of Mercadona supermarkets, they have a Hacendado gazpacho which is usually a “top seller” during the summer and beyond and is presented in two versions, although in both cases they are 100% natural. That is why it has aroused the curiosity of dietitians and nutritionists and specifically one, who has not hesitated to analyze its benefits and characteristics. Thus, on the one hand we have fresh 100% natural gazpacho and on the other, the traditional 100% natural gazpacho. Two products not only manufactured by two different companies, but also present differences in their composition and nutritional profile, so they have been put under the magnifying glass of this expert who has a fairly definitive conclusion about their quality and which of the two is more recommended in depending on whether, for example, you are on a diet.

What experts say about Mercadona gazpacho

Fresh 100% natural gazpacho what we find in Mercadonais a gazpacho made by Cítricos del Andarax SA in Almería, which stands out for its focus on fresh and locally produced ingredients. But also in this supermarket we also have the 100% natural traditional gazpacho made by the J. García Carrión company, which is marketed as a more classic option and is available in several locations. These two products have become the subject of analysis by nutrition experts, who have expressed their opinions on their value in a balanced diet.

One of the nutritionists who has given his opinion on the gazpachos that we can find in Mercadona is Fran Susina dietitian with extensive experience evaluating different supermarket products. Through his networks (@fransusin_), the dietitian has carried out a analysis of Mercadona gazpachos, highlighting of them their low calorie content and healthy composition. According to their evaluations, Both types of gazpacho have advantages, although with key differences which make them more suitable for different dietary situations.

In this way, the 100% fresh natural gazpacho stands out for having a higher concentration of extra virgin olive oil and tomatowhich makes it a tastier and nutrient-rich option, but with a slightly higher calorie content. On the other hand, the Traditional 100% natural gazpacho is characterized by having a higher proportion of vegetables and water, making it a lighter calorie option, with only 44 calories per 100ml.

These details make the fresh gazpacho is a preferred option for those looking a more complete and satiating food, while the traditional one is ideal for those who follow a more restrictive diet in calories. Experts agree that both products offer an adequate nutritional profile, but it is important to choose the one that best suits the personal needs and objectives of each consumer.

Which gazpacho to choose?

So if you don’t know what to choose, Susin recommends the Traditional gazpacho as the best option for those seeking to control their caloric intakesince it has fewer calories thanks to its higher proportion of water and vegetables. Thus, this type of gazpacho is ideal for people who are on a diet or who are looking for a light and refreshing food for the summer.

Instead, For those who are in the process of gaining muscle mass or need more energy, Susín recommends fresh gazpacho. This gazpacho has a higher caloric intake due to its content of extra virgin olive oil, a healthy ingredient that provides good fats for the body. Despite its higher amount of calories, it is still a healthy option thanks to its natural composition and its rich contribution of nutrients.

In summary, Mercadona gazpachos are presented as a healthy and convenient option for consumers. who seek to maintain a balanced diet without giving up flavor. Both products, both fresh and traditional, offer advantages depending on the dietary needs of each person. Experts, like Fran Susín, endorse their consumption and highlight their low amount of calories, which makes them perfect allies for those who want to take care of their diet.

@fransusin_ #nutrition #tips #fransusin #diet ♬ original sound – Fran Susín ®️ DIETIST

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