Next year 2025 comes with changes for workers affiliated with the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA). Starting next January 1 there will be variations regarding the fees to be paid to the Social securitywhich will depend on the income that these workers have. All after the approval of a decree that concerns the minimum and maximum contribution bases, which affect the amount to be paid as a fee.

The self-employed in Spain do not usually receive new news and a large number of them next year 2025 will see their quota increase. Social security. This group of workers affiliated with RETA have been the ones forgotten in recent years by the Government due to the high tax rate they suffer and the high sections have to pay for working as an employee. That is, to generate an acceptable net salary you have to bill huge amounts.

Despite this, the latest data provided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy In March 2024, the number of workers affiliated to the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA) at 3,358,836, which is 0.9% more than the same period in 2023. Starting in 2025, these more than three million self-employed people will undergo a significant change in Social Security contributions with the aim of seeking equity . So you will be paid based on the performance generated.

The date on which the change arrives for the self-employed

Starting January 1, 2025, the self-employed will be linked to quotas based on their performance, leaving behind the old model in which this group of workers could choose their contribution base. According to the specialized website infoautonomousthe changes will come in regards to the adjustment based on Income, the impact of the MEI and the increase in fees.

The most important change comes with this contribution based on the real income of workers affiliated with the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA). This will be fully applied in 2025 and a division will be established based on 15 sections according to income, ranging from 670 to 6,000 euros per month. It must be taken into account that these fees range from 230 to 500 euros from 2023 and will now be reduced for the lowest incomes.

self-employed invoices A self-employed worker works with the computer.

So it’s simple, those who earn 670 euros per month and contribute for the minimum base will pay 200 euros (previously they paid 230) and those who earn more than 1,700 and contribute for the minimum base will pay between 30 and 90 more in fees. The fee will remain similar for those who earn between 1,300 and 1,700 euros per month.

To carry out this process, it will be necessary to inform Social Security about the income plan and from there a contribution range will be established, which may vary during the year. During the year, the Administration will review the real income and make the necessary adjustments whether the self-employed person has contributed more or less.

More changes in 2025

In 2025 there will also be a slight change with the increase in Intergenerational Equity Mechanism (MEI). This rule to generate equality came into force in 2023 and in 2025 a 0.8% will be paid, which will be directly integrated into the self-employed worker’s quota. This is one more tax with which the Government of Pedro Sanchez seeks to remove from above… and below.

Hacienda Trick
Hacienda Trick The first vice president and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero. (EP)

In this way, by 2025 there will be an increase in quotas that will be lower for those who have a minimum income contributing on the minimum base while it will be more or less the same among workers who earn between 1,300 and 1,700 euros and contribute the minimum base. Something more, between 30 and 90 euros, will increase the fee for those who earn more than 20,400 euros annually.

For next 2025, the bonus will also be maintained for new self-employed workers, who will have to pay 80 euros during the first 12 months as a worker affiliated with the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA).

This is how the quotas remain for 2025

This is how the quotas for self-employed workers will be for the year 2025 according to the graph prepared by the website, Billin Blog.

Self-employed quotas for 2025. (Source: Billing Blog)

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