Vox has exploded against the mosque Algeciras for allowing the magnet Mohamed Ayman Adlbi lead the so-called Wisdom Days that are celebrated this weekend at the aforementioned Islamic center. And it is that Ayman Adlbi is being investigated by jihadism by the National Court for being the alleged leader of a network that finances Al Qaeda in Syria.

«The main mosque of Algeciras from today until Sunday to a radical imam who is under investigation by the National Court for financing jihadist groups. A Algeciras “which, without going any further, already suffered from jihadist terrorism with the murder of the sacristan Diego Valencia with machetes a little over a year ago,” he explained. Manuel Gaviraspokesperson for Vox in it Parliament of Andalusia.

«The Islamization of our neighborhoods, cities and municipalities is a reality that only Vox has been denouncing, and no one doubts that the jihadism is a real and palpable threat to Spain and all Europe”, alert Gavirawhich announces that “since Vox We ask that urgent and immediate measures be taken to prevent this imam from spreading its dangerous messages in our country. That is, the expulsion of the imam from Spain, the cancellation of the days and of course the closure of any mosque that promotes jihadism, that allows talks in which they promote jihadism and that incite hatred of our culture and our values. And we do it because it endangers the safety of all Spaniards. We will not allow the most radical Islam that the PP and the PSOE with its effect calling the countryside at ease throughout our beloved region.

“It is a serious threat to our security that the mosque of Algeciras organize a few days featuring an imam investigated for financing the jihadism. We ask for the expulsion of this radical and the closure of the mosque. He jihadism it is fought,” concludes Gavira.

Mohamed Ayman Adlbi

This Islamist was arrested in a anti-terrorist operation and it is suspected that scammed to their followers to divert their donations towards training terrorists and jihadists. In this way, the suspected jihadist continues to be investigated for collecting and sending funds to an organization that sought to establish a global caliphate based on Sharia law.

We are not talking, furthermore, about another Islamist, but rather Mohamed Ayman Adlbi He is the current president of the Islamic Commission of Spain (CIE)the official representative body of Islam before the Government, and of the Union of Islamic Communities of Spain (Ucide).

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