The complaint of a women this July in the municipal swimming pools from Zaragoza after being surprised by a young Senegalese man masturbating in the female bathroom, has raised alarm bells about the increase in incidents that have occurred this summer, largely carried out by immigrants from Muslim originas the municipal group of Vox this Thursday.

This episode posted by OKDIARIOhas revealed an increasingly common problem in municipal sports facilities, as demonstrated by the numerous reports from the Local Police, reporting on violent situations that workers and users of these services suffer from this type of group of foreigners. of African origin.

A fact that the leader of the Vox formation highlighted this Thursday, at the Zaragoza City Council, Julio Calvo, when alerting the Commission of the Presidency, Institutional Relations and Citizen Security, that “more than half of the incidents in municipal swimming pools have been carried out by foreigners with Arabic names.”

Calvo has highlighted that in all these episodes the «intervention of the Local Police». Incidents, such as that of the 23-year-old Senegalese man who a woman found behind him masturbating in public bathrooms, are generating fear, to the point that “many people and residents of our city who are stopping going to municipal swimming pools precisely because of the frequency with which these incidents occur,” he said.

The woman denounces the Senegalese man

In this specific case, according to the police report, the woman, while in the women’s bathroom, noticed the presence of someone next to her, and when she turned around she found a young boy right next to her, holding his penis in his hand and touching. The scene greatly frightened the woman, who feared for her safety, and she escaped from the bathroom, causing a humiliating and intimidating situation.

It was at that moment when the woman who was able to observe said behavior directly from her, notified the person in charge of the pool bar, located on Moreno Alcañiz Street. The sports facilities service notified the Local Police to send a patrol and the rest of the pool staff was notified to locate the Senegalese man with the descriptions that the young woman had made, who explained that the young man was wearing a gray swimsuit.

The staff found the Senegalese in the hammock area where he was lying at that time. The woman confirmed that it was the individual in question whom she reported for the events reported. After the arrival of the Local Police inside the municipal swimming pools, and verifying that it was the accused, the agents proceeded to expel the Senegalese man from the swimming pools for sexual behavior after touching his genitals in the female bathrooms behind a user.

The accused ended up being expelled from the facilities, whose actions could constitute a serious infraction, as it involved mistreatment of users, whose action significantly disrupted coexistence, which is punishable with a fine of between 300 and 1,000 euros. As a consequence, the young man has been prohibited from entering municipal sports centers for one year as an urgent precautionary measure.

Given these types of episodes in municipal swimming pools, Calvo has stated that “something has to be done». A fact that has been recognized by the advisor to the Presidency, Angel Lorenwho has defended Vox from the accusations of “xenophobe” that the socialist and communist left (Zaragoza en Común, ZEC) has leveled against the councilor.

«What Mr. Calvo said is totally objective with what he has read on the agenda, but not only that but his concern is shared by municipal employees and by unions. Therefore, the tone that you are giving to Mr. Calvo’s words is not appropriate in any case. What it states is an absolutely objective fact and not overvalued,” Loren said.

“Culture shock”

In this regard, Vox has warned that what was experienced in municipal swimming pools is no longer «crimes of theft, robbery, that they could be motivated by the circumstances in which these people found themselves, that perhaps when they arrived here they expected to find other possibilities of development, of work, that later they have not found these conditions, finding themselves in greater difficulties than those in At first they thought they had, and in the end they are forced by pure necessity to commit crimes, to steal.

Calvo has highlighted that “we are talking about people who go to municipal swimming pools and who in many cases have lack of respectdefiant attitude, insults”, for example, the person “is shouting, aggressive and violent.”

«In short, here, unfortunately, we are witnessing a culture shock, of people who come from other different cultures where all these civic behaviors or this civility that we have assumed in our country and in Europe, these people do not have this behavior,” he concluded.

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