Since Friday, it is now possible to buy the new iPhone 16, as well as the iPhone 16 Plus, the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max. If you want to know What is the content of the box of this new deviceI’ll tell you what you’re going to miss. And if you are a follower of the brand, there is an item that is no longer in this new range and will probably never return.

iPhone 16: what does your box contain?

The new Cupertino device comes more concise than ever in terms of the contents of the box. To start, This is noticeably thinner than in previous models. When we open it, we find the device, and once we take it out of the box, there is nothing but the cable and a bare, in every sense of the word, instruction manual or quick guide costs up and running.

As you know, it was in 2020 when Apple He began to do without two accessories that always came with the iPhone, the charger and the headphones. It is no longer possible to buy an iPhone with these accessories built in, as their removal is based on environmental reasons. If it is true that we all have a charger at home and it does not make much sense to continue accumulating, users cried out when the charger was removed from the box.

But there is more, it was the rest of the manufacturers that also They began a smear campaign against the Californian company for this. However, they have all ended up taking the same path and practically all of them now do without the charger for these new phones.

This year, the iPhone supports higher capacity fast charging and therefore, if you want to take full advantage of the performance, you should buy a 30W charger. In online stores You have many options at your disposal that offer excellent value for money.

What you should not do is buy a charger from an untrustworthy site and does not have European Union certification. They get too hot and can burn, and they don’t provide a constant flow of charge to your device. If you’ve spent a lot of money on your iPhone, don’t try to save on something as simple but essential as the charger.

Some will miss them

This year there is something new, the stickers that Apple incorporates on its products also disappear. Although I have never paid attention to them and have never used them, although I like the logo, this is something that does not suit me. Expressing sympathy for a brand through stickers… I’m past my age. But it is true that although many will not miss them, theThe stickers have been present on the iPhone since the first model was launched in the United States on June 29, 2007. It was the original iPhone, which was not available in Spain at that time. Since then, it has been 16 years that Apple has put stickers on all iPhones, but we will not see them again.

So, this is the contents of the iPhone 16 box. Goodbye chargersomething that has been happening for four years, and another for the nice stickers with the brand logo. At the end of the day, it’s always the device that matters, right?

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