What saints are celebrated today, Thursday, September 19, 2024? September 19 is a date that Catholic church dedicated to the celebration of several saints who, throughout the centuries, have been models of faith, humility and service to others. Among the outstanding figures remembered today, stands out San Alonso de Orozcoa name that could resonate especially for those named after Alonso, who will likely receive a congratulations on this day. The celebration of saints is a tradition rooted in the Church, where every day of the year different people who have been canonized for their exemplary lives are remembered.

The name Alonso has a rich and deep history. It comes from the Germanic Adelfuns, which means “prepared for combat.” or “noble and ready for battle.” According to data from National Institute of Statistics (INE), in Spain there are 17,372 people who bear the name Alonso. But in addition to San Alonso de Orozco, September 19 is also a significant date for devotion to other important saints.. Saint Jannaro of Naples and Saint Mary of Cervelló They are also venerated on this day, which adds more color and spiritual richness to this day. Each of them has a particular story that has inspired generations of faithful, and their lives continue to be remembered for their example of sacrifice and dedication. Below, we will explore in detail the lives of these three saints who today occupy a prominent place in the liturgical calendar.

San Alonso de Orozco

Saint Alonso de Orozco was born in 1500 in Oropesa, a small town in Toledo, Spain. At the age of 14, he entered the University of Salamanca to study, but it was there where he felt the call to religious life.. Inspired by the example of Saint Thomas of Villanueva, Alonso decided to join the Order of Saint Augustine. From that moment on, his life became an example of humility, prayer and service. Although he is not a well-known saint outside of Spain, his impact on 16th century religious life was notable.

Saint Alonsus was a tireless preacher and earned the reputation of being a man of a profound spiritual life. Despite his position as confessor of King Philip II, He never let worldly honors and power distract him from his religious vocation. He wrote numerous spiritual works, many of which are considered classics of Augustinian spirituality. He died in 1591 and was canonized in 2002 by Pope John Paul II. Today, his life continues to be a source of inspiration for those seeking a life of simplicity and total surrender to God.

Saint Jannaro of Naples

Saint Jannaro, also known as San Gennaro in Italian, is one of the most revered saints in Italy, especially in the city of Naples. His history is surrounded by legends and miracles, the most famous of them being the «Miracle of Blood Liquefaction». It is said that Every year, on September 19, the dried blood of the saint, which is kept in a vial, miraculously liquefies during a ceremony at the Naples Cathedral. This miracle has been documented since the 14th century and continues to be a source of hope and faith for Neapolitans.

Saint Jannaro was bishop of Benevento in the 3rd century, during a time of persecution under Emperor Diocletian. According to tradition, he was martyred in 305 after being arrested while visiting other imprisoned Christians. He was beheaded and, after his death, his blood was collected, which is what stars in the annual miracle. Although some try to give a scientific explanation to the phenomenon, for the faithful, it remains a sign of the power and intercession of Saint Jannaro.

The cult of Saint Jannaro is deeply rooted in Neapolitan culture, and every year, thousands of people attend the ceremony hoping to witness the miracle. Furthermore, it is considered the patron and protector of the city of Naples.

Santa María de Cervelló

Saint María de Cervelló, also known as María del Socorro, was a Catalan nun born in Barcelona in 1230. She was one of the first women to join the Order of Mercy, an order dedicated to the redemption of Christian captives. From a very young age, she showed an inclination for religious life and charity, dedicating her life to helping those most in need and to the liberation of Christian captives in Muslim lands.

Saint María de Cervelló is remembered for her deep devotion to the Virgin Mary and her total dedication to the work of mercy. Throughout his life, he worked tirelessly to rescue Christian prisoners, organizing collections and missions to raise the money necessary for his release. Her life was marked by her generosity, her humility, and her constant concern for others, which made her a model of charity and service for the Church.

After his death in 1290, his figure was venerated throughout Catalonia and She was canonized in 1692. Santa María de Cervelló is a perfect example of selfless dedication and love of neighbor, and its festival continues to be an opportunity to reflect on the importance of charity in the Christian life.

Other saints celebrated on September 19

Along with those mentioned, in This September 19 these other saints are also celebrated:

  • Saint Trophimus of Sinada
  • Saints Peleus, Nile, Elijah and Patermucio of Palestine
  • Saint Eustoch of Tours
  • Saint Sequanus of Cestre
  • Saint Mary of Bourges
  • Saint Goeric of Metz
  • Saint Theodore of Canterbury
  • Saint Pomposa of Córdoba
  • Saint Lantbert of Freising
  • Saint Cyriacus of Buonvicino
  • Saint Arnulf of Gap
  • San Carlos Hyon Song-mun
  • Saint Mary William Emilia of Rodat
  • Saint Urban V
  • Blessed Jacinto Hoyuelos González
  • Blessed Francisca Cualladó Baixauli
  • Blessed María de Jesús de la Yglesia y de Varo, María Dolores Aguiar-Mella y Díaz and Consuelo Aguiar-Mella y Díaz
  • Virgin of La Salette

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