Although you have been using the washing machineit is possible that there is a key feature you don’t know yet and that could make all the difference in the care of your clothes. Surprisingly, many users overlook it, but technicians recommend it to improve the performance of the appliance and extend its useful life. Do you want to know what it is and make the most of it with this trick?

The function of the washing machine that you didn’t know

Many people use the washing machine several times a day. To do this, in most cases they resort to a Washing clothes at a low temperature between 30 and 40 degrees. A technician explains in Xataka Home that this is about a mistake and explains the reasons.

This temperature range not only affects the cleanliness of your clothes but also the internal state of the washing machine itself. If you do not use higher temperatures, this appliance does not have the opportunity to clean itself and it will accumulate residues of detergent, fabric softener and other types of dirt inside.

There are many users who wash clothes at low temperatures because they do not have difficult stains or excessive dirt. High temperature washes are usually reserved for specific occasions when there are more complicated stains such as grease or mud. However, this technician affirms that this program Less degrees does not guarantee the total elimination of germs and bacteria from your clothes.

The specialist recommends the use of higher temperatures such as 60 0 90 degreess. The reasons They are as follows: They are most effective in removing stains and disinfecting bacteria, mites and other microorganisms from clothes, towels or clothing. In addition, it allows the internal cleaning of the appliance so that it does not accumulate dirt.

Does washing at a higher temperature consume more?

Washing in hot water involves greater energy expenditure. According to the OCU It is not recommended to wash above 60 degrees, among other things, due to the high power consumption. However, many people believe that washing at 60 or 90 degrees represents excessive consumption.

The reality as this technician explains is that It’s not that high. «The water reaches these temperatures only in one phase of the cycle, just when it is mixed with the detergent and softener, thus optimizing its use and guaranteeing a deeper cleaning of both the clothes and the washing machine itself», he states.

If you use these high temperature programs from time to time, you will avoid having to use the specific cleaning program for the drum of your washing machine.

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